java Programming Glossary: errors
SwingPropertyChangeSupport to dynamically update JTextArea listener EDIT Hopefully removed compilation errors. java arrays swing refresh share improve this question Here..
Floating point arithmetic not producing exact results in Java arithmetic in Java seems to introduce some unexpected errors. For example I get 2.180000000000001 instead of 2.18. What use..
What causes java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError? s when I try to invoke methods from it. These errors seem to appear at random. What kinds of problems could be causing..
What is null in Java? Some people say that null causes many programmer errors that could've been avoided. Some say that in a language that.. good to use it because you will fail fast on programmer errors. Some people avoid null by using Null object pattern etc. This.. it was so easy to implement. This has led to innumerable errors vulnerabilities and system crashes which have probably caused..
When to choose checked and unchecked exceptions should be used to declare for expected but unpreventable errors that are reasonable to recover from. Unchecked Exceptions should..
How can I add to List<? extends Number> data structures? Integer to exactly List Number These next 3 are compile errors for the same reason You don't know what kind of List T is really..
How slow are Java exceptions? given vary and 2 its messy because people expect only errors to be handled in exceptional code. This question is about #1...
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? is easier redisplaying the form with validation errors in case of an error in this particular example you can redisplay..
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? wrong value. This will almost certainly lead to bugs and errors. Related questions Calling an Overridden Method from a Parent..
Why not use Double or Float to represent currency? numbers you'll lose more and more precision as the tiny errors add up. This makes floats and doubles inadequate for dealing..
What is a stack trace, and how can I use it to debug my application errors? a stack trace and how can I use it to debug my application errors Sometimes when I run my application it gives me an error that..
Moving decimal places over in a double you should use rounding or expect to see some rounding errors. If you can't do this use BigDecimal . The problem you have..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation conditions and runtime exceptions for programming errors Item 58 in 2nd edition Let see if I understand this correctly..
Why is StringTokenizer deprecated? deprecated long ago. Was it deprecated because it had bugs errors or is String.split simply better to use overall I have some..
JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate . Anyway taking the opportunity to learn and be it by errors below is a crude proof of concept example for the basic idea..
Android requires compiler compliance level 5.0 or 6.0. Found '1.7' instead. Please use Android Tools > Fix Project Properties problem with this I import android project and I get errors like 2011 10 03 17 20 09 Screen Android requires compiler compliance.. Please use Android Tools Fix Project Properties. I got errors to delete all @Override above functions. I have Windows 7 x64..
Capturing stdout when calling Runtime.exec
Spring MVC : How to perform validation ? user User user BindingResult result if result.hasErrors do something else do something else Notice the @Valid if the.. @Valid if the user happens to have a null name result.hasErrors will be true. Method 2 If you have complex validation like big.. clazz @Override public void validate Object target Errors errors User user User target if user.getName null errors.rejectValue..
'Must Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Override a Superclass Method' Errors after importing a project into Eclipse Anytime I have to re..
Iterative Cartesian Product in Java approach Otherwise... suggestion about how to improve it Errors Thanks java algorithm share improve this question I've..
How can elements be added to a wildcard generic collection? class that implements Foo and Foo is an interface. Errors I get with this code On Line 3 Cannot instantiate ArrayList..
Why we don't have to add try-catch to a RuntimeException? database down file I O error wrong enduser input etc . Errors should identify programmatically unrecoverable problems e.g...
What's the difference between failure and error in JUnit? code base and I've been realizing that sometimes I get Errors while other times I get Failures . What's the difference java.. your test cases fail i.e. your assertions are incorrect. Errors are unexpected errors that occur while trying to actually run..
When to catch java.lang.Error? never. However sometimes you need to catch specific Errors. If you're writing framework ish code loading 3rd party classes.. loading 3rd party classes it might be wise to catch LinkageErrors no class def found unsatisfied link incompatible class change.. seen some stupid 3rd party code throwing sublcasses of Errors so you'll have to handle these either. By the way I'm not sure..
Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type SQLiteDatabase myDB null Create the Database no Errors if it already exists this.createDatabase MY_DATABASE_NAME 1..
Why catch Exceptions in Java, when you can catch Throwables? Java server application where the application was throwing Errors which were not caught because Error is a separate subclass of.. rather than Throwables because you would then miss the Errors. So why would you want to catch Exceptions when you can catch.. with an Error once you've caught it. In general catching Errors probably shouldn't be seen as part of your normal exception..
What makes hot deployment a “hard problem”?
Differences betweeen Exception and Error someone let me know the differences between Exceptions and Errors java exception throwable share improve this question Errors.. java exception throwable share improve this question Errors should not be caught or handled except in the rarest of cases..
Rounding Errors? Errors In my course I am told Continuous values are represented approximately..
How to iteratively add Components to a Swing GroupLayout ParallelGroup? gl.createParallelGroup GroupLayout.Alignment.CENTER ERRORS BEGIN HERE for JCheckBox c listCustomiseJCB .addComponent c.. HERE for JCheckBox c listCustomiseJCB .addComponent c ERRORS END HERE hGroup .addComponent jbtnCancel gl.setHorizontalGroup..
Looking for a CSS Parser in java stylesheet parser.parseStyleSheet source null null ANY ERRORS IN THE DOM WILL BE SENT TO STDERR HERE now iterate through..
Most efficient way to check if a file is empty in Java on Windows iByteCount if iByteCount 1 System.out.println NO ERRORS else System.out.println SOME ERRORS Method 2 Failure File logFile.. System.out.println NO ERRORS else System.out.println SOME ERRORS Method 2 Failure File logFile new File sLogFilename if logFile.length.. sLogFilename if logFile.length 0 System.out.println NO ERRORS else System.out.println SOME ERRORS Now both these methods fail..