java Programming Glossary: eq
accessing constants in JSP (without scriptlet) c if test sessionScope Constants.ATTR_CURRENT_USER eq null Do somthing c if But I can't seem to get the sytax correct... session value sessionScope Constants.ATTR_CURRENT_USER eq null which didn't work. So instead I tried substituting the.. nullUser scope session value sessionScope 'current.user' eq null Constant value WebHelper.ATTR_CURRENT_PARTNER This worked..
Access Enum value using EL with JSTL attribute of the c when tag. E.g. c when test dp.status eq Status.VALID I'm not sure if this is possible so any help would..
Any way to “reboot” the JVM? could test the exit status # bin sh STATUS 0 while STATUS eq 0 do java MainClass STATUS done Within the java program you..
Mixing JSF tags with JSTL tags gives strange results ' ' var hideType h outputText value # hideType eq instance.documentInstanceType.mimeType c if test # hideType.. c if test # hideType eq instance.documentInstanceType.mimeType c set var columnRendered.. to approve what it should do h outputText value # hideType eq instance.documentInstanceType.mimeType is true so it should..
How to parse the cells of the 3rd column of a table? get the cells of the 3rd column using the index selector eq index note it's zero based . So those few of simple lines should.. Elements nextTurns #GridViewForecasts td eq 2 for Element nextTurn nextTurns System.out.println nextTurn.text..
Is there any library to represent SQL queries as objects in Java code? Example Query q select DATE QUOTE .from STOCKMARKET .where eq CORP .orderBy DATE DESC java sql api fluent share improve.. DESC java sql api fluent share improve this question Jequel looks pretty nifty http It uses a fluent interface.. this question Jequel looks pretty nifty http It uses a fluent interface so it's easy to read almost..
EasyMock: Void Methods you should be able to use andAnswer mockObject.someMethod eq param1 eq param2 expectLastCall .andAnswer new IAnswer public.. be able to use andAnswer mockObject.someMethod eq param1 eq param2 expectLastCall .andAnswer new IAnswer public Object answer..
Spring 3 MVC: one-to-many within a dynamic form (add/remove on create/update) setters Controller @Controller @RequestMapping employer public class EmployerController Manage dynamically.. return employees2remove Creating a new employer @RequestMapping value create method RequestMethod.GET public String.. a new employer @RequestMapping value create method RequestMethod.GET public String create @ModelAttribute Employer..