java Programming Glossary: evaluated
how binding attribute in JSF works that moment the view build time all binding attributes are evaluated along with id attribtues and taghandlers like JSTL . At the..
Java - escape string to prevent SQL injection to any ' to ' and any n to n so that when the string is evaluated by MySQL SQL injections will be blocked. I've jacked up some..
#ifdef #ifndef in Java at compile time Conditionals like that shown above are evaluated at compile time. If instead you use this private static final.. fast Then any conditions dependent on enableFast will be evaluated by the JIT compiler. The overhead for this is negligible. share..
Why JSF calls getters multiple times of JSP . The deferred expression is not immediately evaluated but created as a ValueExpression object and the getter method.. rendered attribute. JSF specifically EL won't cache the evaluated result of the EL expression at all as it may return different..
Why doesn't Java have compound assignment versions of the conditional-and and conditional-or operators? (&&=, ||=) E1 T E1 op E2 where T is the type of E1 except that E1 is evaluated only once. As proof the following snippet throws a NullPointerException..
Varying behavior for possible loss of precision E1 T E1 op E2 where T is the type of E1 except that E1 is evaluated only once. For example the following code is correct short x..
post increment operator java to temp j j j 1 j temp But a b makes b 1. So it should've evaluated like this a b b b 1 By following the same logic shouldn't j.. a b b b 1 By following the same logic shouldn't j j be evaluated as j j j j 1 Where does the temp come into picture here Any.. where you got it wrong But a b makes b 1 . So it should've evaluated like this a b assign b b 1 then increment WRONG You're not applying..
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? the id and binding attributes of JSF UI components are evaluated during view build time. Thus the below answer applies to them..
If profiler is not the answer, what other choices do we have? avoiding some of the mistakes they found in the ones they evaluated. Mistakes are common because of some persistent myths about..
Difference between Mojarra and MyFaces [closed] Bugs often expose only later and robustness can only be evaluated during the aftermath. Just pick whatever implementation you..
What does “…” mean in Java? [duplicate] parameters preceding the variable arity parameter will be evaluated and the results stored into an array that will be passed to..
Regular expression with variable number of groups? that the group most recently matched. If a group is evaluated a second time because of quantification then its previously..
What are good InstallAnywhere replacements for installing a Java EE application? as they might be helpful to others later on. We quickly evaluated the following installer tools mostly by looking at their websites..
What is the Java ?: operator called and what does it do? to decide which of two other expressions should be evaluated. Also here is a tidbit from the spec that hasn't been mentioned..
Java += operator E1 T E1 op E2 where T is the type of E1 except that E1 is evaluated only once. An example cited from §15.26.2 ... the following..