java Programming Glossary: error
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? names.add Mary names.add Boolean.FALSE not a compilation error The above code runs just fine but suppose you also have the.. John names.add Mary names.add Boolean.FALSE compilation error Of course if you DO want names to allow a Boolean then you can.. new ArrayList String appendNewObject names compilation error If you had declared appendNewObject to take a raw type List..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? to see if the server has sent any useful error information. InputStream error HttpURLConnection connection.. server has sent any useful error information. InputStream error HttpURLConnection connection .getErrorStream If the HTTP response..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog expect HTTP 200 OK so we don't mistakenly save error report instead of the file if connection.getResponseCode HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK.. if result null Toast.makeText context Download error result Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show else Toast.makeText context File..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? throws an exception. In the above example the default error 500 page will be displayed which you can anyway customize by.. will be displayed which you can anyway customize by an error page in web.xml . If you want to invoke some Java code to postprocess.. message Unknown username password. Please retry. Store error message in request scope. request.getRequestDispatcher WEB INF..
Design Patterns web based applications home Redirect to home page. else request.setAttribute error Unknown username password. Please retry. Store error message.. error Unknown username password. Please retry. Store error message in request scope. return login Go back to redisplay.. scope. return login Go back to redisplay login form with error. Factory method pattern The ActionFactory should follow the..
How to: generic array creation E private E a public GenSet a new E INITIAL_ARRAY_LENGTH error generic array creation How can I implement this while maintaining..
Load Icon Image Exception Icon Image Exception I am having a error for my GUI. Trying to set title bar icon then be included in.. e e.printStackTrace frame.setIconImage image Here is the error I am getting Exception in thread main java.lang.IllegalArgumentException..
Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption I have tried padding it out to 256 bits but then I get an error saying that the key is too long. I do have the unlimited jurisdiction..
JComponents not showing up with picture background? System.out.println ERROR Could not preform function 7424 Error http albums gg527 PychoBurnZ error.png..
Error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded java.lang.OutOfMemoryError GC overhead limit exceeded I get.. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError GC overhead limit exceeded I get this error message as I execute.. message as I execute my JUnit tests java.lang.OutOfMemoryError GC overhead limit exceeded I know what an OutOfMemoryError is..
Java: What is the best way to SFTP a file from a server features. Here's a simple remote file retrieve over SFTP. Error handling is left as an exercise for the reader JSch jsch new..
Java maximum memory on Windows XP machine using Java 1.5_16 and 1.6.0_07 and got the error Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough..
Why doesn't System.out.println work? (in Android) methods in Log corresponding to the following levels e Error w Warning i Information d Debug v Verbose The documentation.. Debug logs are compiled in but stripped at runtime. Error warning and info logs are always kept. share improve this answer..
Secure HTTP Post in Android catch Exception e throw new IOException Error connecting end try catch return in share improve this answer..
How to properly override clone method? super.clone catch CloneNotSupportedException e throw new Error Deep clone member fields here return foo This seems like a.. catch a CloneNotSupportedException . Throwing AssertionError as some have suggested seems reasonable but you can also add..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? be included in the error. An assert statement throws an Error AssertionError if the condition is not true. By default Java.. in the error. An assert statement throws an Error AssertionError if the condition is not true. By default Java ignores assertions...
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? 3.6.3. Use the User Agent string from a recent browser . Error handling If the HTTP response code is 4nn Client Error or 5nn.. . Error handling If the HTTP response code is 4nn Client Error or 5nn Server Error then you may want to read the HttpURLConnection#getErrorStream.. the HTTP response code is 4nn Client Error or 5nn Server Error then you may want to read the HttpURLConnection#getErrorStream..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? System.out.println e.getMessage @Override public void onError DialogError e System.out.println Error e.getMessage @Override.. e.getMessage @Override public void onError DialogError e System.out.println Error e.getMessage @Override public void.. public void onError DialogError e System.out.println Error e.getMessage @Override public void onFacebookError FacebookError..
Hibernate: different object with the same identifier value was already associated with the session [duplicate] with the session duplicate Possible Duplicate Hibernate Error org.hibernate.NonUniqueObjectException a different object with..
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method TTT String getText R.string.TTT This is the error message Error Cannot make a static reference to the non static method getText..
JAR Bundler using OSXAdapter causing application to lag or terminate Class String.class catch Exception e System.err.println Error while loading the OSXAdapter e.printStackTrace But after this..
How to use an existing database with an Android application [duplicate] created catch IOException mIOException throw new Error ErrorCopyingDataBase Check that the database exists here data.. created catch IOException mIOException throw new Error ErrorCopyingDataBase Check that the database exists here data data.. mIOException.toString UnableToCreateDatabase throw new Error UnableToCreateDatabase return this public TestAdapter open..
How to properly stop the Thread in Java my IndexProcessor class 2012 06 09 17 04 50 671 Thread 3 ERROR IndexProcessor Exception java.lang.InterruptedException sleep..
JComponents not showing up with picture background? 0 catch NumberFormatException ex System.out.println ERROR Could not preform function 7424 Error http
JLabel images array displayGUIboard public static void displayGUIboard ERROR the label in pieces 0 is not copied into both boardLabels 0..
Why does this() and super() have to be the first statement in a constructor? public MySubClass int a int b int c a b super c COMPILE ERROR The Sun compiler says call to super must be first statement.. List list new ArrayList list.add item super list COMPILE ERROR public class MySubClassB extends MyClass public MySubClassB.. public MySubClassB Object myArray someMethodOnSuper ERROR super not yet constructed super myArray In cases where a parent..
Android SQLite and huge data sets freed 446 objects 16784 bytes in 330ms 09 10 19 19 32.886 ERROR CursorWindow 19416 need to grow mSize 1048576 size 36 freeSpace.. size 36 freeSpace 30 numRows 17717 09 10 19 19 32.896 ERROR CursorWindow 19416 not growing since there are already 17717.. already 17717 row s max size 1048576 09 10 19 19 32.916 ERROR CursorWindow 19416 The row failed so back out the new row accounting..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found . When I execute via CMD I get the following error ERROR cannot start Android Studio. No JDK found. Please validate either..
Spring schemaLocation fails when there is no internet connection 375 2009 11 13 15 31 25 675 main ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader Context initialization..
What's the issue with creating a generic array? [duplicate] create array object with generic type elements new E 10 ERROR But it works elements E new Object 10 GOOD java generics ..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android try to run the app. Here's the message 02 11 21 45 26.154 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3654 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError com.scoreninja.adapter.ScoreNinjaAdapter..
What would be the fastest method to test for primality in Java? certainty if isPrime i bigIntSays System.out.println ERROR isProbablePrime certainty returns bigIntSays for i i while..
Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V property bean beans Following error is occured ERROR org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader 213 Context initialization..
proper hibernate annotation for byte[] false st.setBytes index internalValue This results in ERROR column signature is of type oid but expression is of type bytea.. instead of JDBC.setBytes null which PG driver expects. ERROR column signature is of type bytea but expression is of type..
Change ListView background - strange behaviour if title null content null icon null Log.e ERROR on findViewById Couldn't find Title Content or Icon ViewHolder..
Calling a java method from c++ in Android JNI After clean compilation app stops with next message ERROR AndroidRuntime 742 FATAL EXCEPTION main java.lang.NoSuchMethodError..
Android: simple export and import of sqlite database this solution I get the following error 06 30 13 33 38.831 ERROR SQLiteOpenHelper 23570 android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException..
Installing IDEA on Ubuntu 11.10 the file as instructed. However it complains ERROR cannot start IntelliJ IDEA. No JDK found to run IDEA. Please..