java Programming Glossary: design
Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated? synchronize every operation bit is another example of poor design the decoration approach gives cleaner separation of concerns...
Why JSF calls getters multiple times everytime Getter methods in JSF backing beans should be designed that way that they solely return the already prepared property.. are for you really no other ways due to some restrictive design requirements then you should introduce lazy loading inside the..
Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods? applicable. There were two considerations driving Java's design that impacted this. One was a concern with performance there..
Avoiding “!= null” statements in Java? .findAction someInput .doSomething which is a much better design because it leads to more concise code. share improve this answer..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? In the spirit of adopting the model view controller MVC design pattern to reduce coupling between the presentation tier from..
How to create a Java String from the contents of a file? memory. For reading large files you need a different design for your program one that reads a chunk of text from a stream..
A better Java JSON library? [closed]
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors?
Design Patterns web based applications Patterns web based applications I am designing a simple web based application. I am new to this web based.. this web based domain.I needed your advice regarding the design patterns like how responsibility should be distributed among.. having a large number of servlets. Now we are changing our design. My question is how you exactly choose how you choose the responsibility..
JTable design to synchronize with back-end data-structure design to synchronize with back end data structure I have a JTable..
Are getters and setters poor design? [closed] getters and setters poor design closed I'm currently working on a simple game in Java with..
Java inner class and static nested class a inner class and a static nested class in Java Does design implementation play a role in choosing any of these java inner..
What is an efficient way to implement a singleton pattern in Java? way to implement a singleton pattern in Java java design patterns singleton patterns share improve this question Use..
Should I avoid the use of set(Preferred|Maximum|Minimum)Size methods in Java Swing? purposes don't know personally I think of it as an api design accident. Slightly forced by compound components having special..
Singleton Design Pattern: Pitfalls Design Pattern Pitfalls Currently I have been very interested in this..
Why is not possible to extend annotations in Java? designed that way you can find the answer in the JSR 175 Design FAQ where it says Why don ™t you support annotation subtyping..
How to properly override clone method? people agree that Java's clone is broken. Josh Bloch on Design Copy Constructor versus Cloning If you've read the item about..
Difference between Inheritance and Composition Edition Item 16 Favor composition over inheritance Item 17 Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it Good object..
Java MVC - How to divide a done text game into MVC? specifically to illustrate the concepts. The section named Design elaborates in more detail. Addendum This outline corresponds..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? HttpSession and HttpServletRequest Response work Design patterns in Java web applications share improve this answer..
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? A quote from Effective Java 2nd Edition Item 17 Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it There are a..
Design Patterns web based applications Patterns web based applications I am designing a simple web..
Java Generics Now if you take a look at the infamous gang of four's Design Patterns book you'll notice that there is some wisdom in divorcing..
JSP using MVC and JDBC to avoid Java code in JSP Places where Javabeans are used Design patterns in Java web applications Basic DAO tutorial share..
JFreeChart scaling of Boxplots with several Categories dataset xAxis yAxis renderer createJFreeChart plot Test Design renderer.setFillBox false renderer.setMeanVisible false chart.setBackgroundPaint..
Dynamically Add Components to a JDialog Another one of my problems is that I am using a Free Design layout in NetBeans which meant that my label was probably in..
What Java XML library do you recommend (to replace dom4j)? what's wrong with XML APIs The Good the Bad and the DOM A Design Review of JDOM Lessons Learned from JDOM and finally Design..
Code for changing the color of subtasks in Gantt Chart s1 new TaskSeries Scheduled final Task t1 new Task Design date 1 Calendar.APRIL 2001 date 1 Calendar.MAY 2001 t1.addSubtask.. 2001 date 1 Calendar.MAY 2001 t1.addSubtask new Task Design 1 date 1 Calendar.APRIL 2001 date 15 Calendar.APRIL 2001 t1.addSubtask.. 2001 date 15 Calendar.APRIL 2001 t1.addSubtask new Task Design 2 date 16 Calendar.APRIL 2001 date 25 Calendar.APRIL 2001 t1.addSubtask..
How to abort a thread in a fast and clean way in java? be tolerable and it would avoid having to kill the thread. Design might look like this boolean stopFlag false Object latestArgs..