java Programming Glossary: desktop
What's Java Hybrid - Applet + Application? maybe slightly off so that could be a reason. java applet desktop application share improve this question A hybrid applet application..
Unloading classes in java? classes in java I have a custom class loader so that a desktop application can dynamically start loading classes from an AppServer..
Android Studio installation on Windows 7 fails, no JDK found However when attempting to launch the application from the desktop icon nothing happens. Looking at the task manager a new process..
How to handle invalid SSL certificates with Apache HttpClient? problem... But I can't understand... I have ubuntu 9.10 desktop amd64 NetBeans6.7.1 installed as is from off. rep. I need connecting..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] I blame AWT and Swing for why Java never caught on for the desktop. Heavy use of synchronization in library classes unsynchronized..
Java Desktop application: SWT vs. Swing [closed] developer at day and thinking about building my first real desktop application. The idea is to build a tool that automates a very..
open source image processing lib in java looks promising. JAI http javase technologies desktop media This is Sun's image processing Java offering. Limited..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code i had learnt in swing. It imports packages such as org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication also the declaration for.. from scratch Can anyone explain to me this org.jdesktop.application.SingleFrameApplication and other classes Please.. selected Java Desktop Application Creates a skeleton of a desktop application based on the Swing Application Framework JSR 296..
How to set java_home on Windows 7? installation path Right click the My Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties . Click the Advanced tab. Click the Environment..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? never done any type of web app development before... just desktop apps and experimented with the Java libraries here but to be..
Java Look and Feel (L&F) Look and Feel L F I am developing a desktop application with Java Swing for my personal use.I am in need..
How do I read a resource file from a Java jar file? within a jar file from a separate jar that's running as a desktop application. I can get the URL to the file I need but when I..
Can I change my Windows desktop wallpaper programmatically in Java/Groovy? I change my Windows desktop wallpaper programmatically in Java Groovy Is there a way I.. Is there a way I can use Java or Groovy to change my desktop wallpaper in Windows XP I have a program that creates a new.. whenever and I would like a way to automatically update my desktop. I've seem some questions on this site about C or .NET but I..
Is it safe to construct Swing/AWT widgets NOT on the Event Dispatch Thread? was the increasing availability of multi core computers as desktop machines that motivated the re formulation of the rule threading..
Embedded java databases [closed] One of the possible uses I am evaluating them for is a desktop application that uses the database as a local repository. At..
why business logic should be moved out of JSP? usability Suppose tomorrow you need same app running on a desktop app. then you can just change the view. Testability You can..
Java Text on Image try to save it as PNG 24 and not as JPEG. I assume your desktop screen is running in True Color 32 or 24 bits color depth right..
Android JDBC not working: ClassNotFoundException on driver low latency highly reliable network connections e.g. desktop to database server Web application server to database server..
Open a link in browser with java button? hyperlink desktop share improve this question Use the Desktop#browse URI method. It opens a URI in the user's default browser... default browser. public static void openWebpage URI uri Desktop desktop Desktop.isDesktopSupported Desktop.getDesktop null if.. public static void openWebpage URI uri Desktop desktop Desktop.isDesktopSupported Desktop.getDesktop null if desktop null desktop.isSupported..
Program not accessing method paintComponent() of extended JPanel class clientOutputStream Dimension serverDimension super Remote Desktop Control this.clientRemoteControlConnection clientRemoteControlConnection..
JProgressBar won't update done try fl new File System.getProperty user.home .replace Desktop afile.rar dl new URL https u 48076798 afile.rar..
Browse for image file and display it using Java Swing description here 1 C Documents and Settings Administrator Desktop Images Launch the application. public static void main String..
Read all files in a folder
Java Desktop application: SWT vs. Swing [closed] Desktop application SWT vs. Swing closed I'm a web developer at day..
Netbeans GUI editor generating its own incomprehensible code When creating a new project in netbeans if i select JAVA Desktop application it creates some code which I DO NOT RECOGNISE AT.. like this public static void main String args launch DesktopApplication2.class args This really does not make any sense.. this question You may have inadvertently selected Java Desktop Application Creates a skeleton of a desktop application based..
How to set java_home on Windows 7? when running a java command... BUILD FAILED C Users Derek Desktop eclipse eclipse glassfish setup.xml 161 The following error.. error occurred while executing this line C Users Derek Desktop eclipse eclipse glassfish setup.xml 141 The following error.. error occurred while executing this line C Users Derek Desktop eclipse eclipse glassfish setup.xml 137 Please set java.home..
Java swing JComponent “size” FlowLayout try imageDef new File home x101 Desktop buttonDef.png imageClick new File home x101 Desktop.. buttonDef.png imageClick new File home x101 Desktop buttonClick.png imageHover new File home x101 Desktop.. buttonClick.png imageHover new File home x101 Desktop buttonHover.png current imageDef catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
Draw a line in a JPanel with button click in Java arg0 label.setIcon new ImageIcon C Users achermen Desktop up.png label.setBounds 447 66 46 48 contentPane.add label JLabel.. New label label_1.setIcon new ImageIcon C Users achermen Desktop down.png label_1.setBounds 447 159 46 48 contentPane.add label_1.. New label label_2.setIcon new ImageIcon C Users achermen Desktop right.png label_2.setBounds 495 112 46 48 contentPane.add label_2..