java Programming Glossary: despite
Combining Raw Types and Generic Methods is interpreting the generic method as returning Object despite of receiving a String as its argument. I doubled checked the..
How do I optimize for multi-core and multi-CPU computers in Java? of making your application multi thread capable. And despite that it doesn't immediately start using multiple cores. The..
Java: How to Indent XML Generated by Transformer The problem is that it isn't indenting the text at all despite having set the parameter indent explicitly. sample code public..
Disabled Java warning appearance & affect on Java Web Start apps enable the browsers again. Those warnings above were seen despite that this info. can be seen after enabling the plug in for either..
Android: Specify two different images for togglebutton using XML does not seem to be the android state_checked attribute despite the class having the method isChecked and setChecked . So is..
Shards and replicas in Elasticsearch become primaries and the cluster will work properly despite the node failure as follows ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 1 2 3 4..
Problems with Java's Paint method, ridiculous refresh velocity simple version of R Type as work for the university but despite it works the craft velocity is a lot of slow so the movement..
Uninitialized object leaked to another thread despite no code explicitly leaking it? object leaked to another thread despite no code explicitly leaking it Let's see this simple Java program..
How do you enable anti aliasing in arbitrary Java apps? Many Java Apps don't use anti aliased fonts by default despite the capability of Swing to provide them. How can you coerce..
Best Way to Write Bytes in the Middle of a File in Java as using a RandomAccessFile in Java. RandomAccessFile despite its name is more like an InputStream and OutputStream and less..
What's wrong with Java Date & Time API? goes on about the difference between UTC and GMT at length despite the fact that the difference between the two is basically leap..
Appending files to a zip file with Java to be a very good java library to append to a zip file despite other answers that say it is not possible to do this . Anyone..
Does Java have Pointers? The references however still point to that object despite its movement within memory. So they're not like C references..
Java Generics: Cannot cast List<SubClass> to List<SuperClass>? within the array unsafe they can fail at execution time despite being fine at compile time. In the first case imagine that the..
File.listFiles() mangles unicode names with JDK 6 (Unicode Normalization issues) question I am able to read data from the listed files despite the odd names I'm out of ideas and after many hours of fruitless..
How to configure JPA for testing in Maven INF the copy from the src main resources gets preferred despite mvn X test listing the classpath entries in the right order..
Memory barriers and coding style over a Java VM visible to thread B when it reads f. I'll note that despite several rereadings of JCiP the relevant text there didn't leap..
Why isn't calling a static method by way of an instance an error for the Java compiler? potentially uninitialized variable to call a static method despite the fact that the only information it's going to use is the..
JAXB inheritance, unmarshal to subclass of marshaled class is with unmarshalling it still unmarshals to Person despite the JAXBContext using the package name of the subclassed ReceiverPerson..
Copy/Paste not working in a signed Applet copy and paste from the system clipboard into a JTextField despite the documentation telling me that it is supposed to work for..
Tracking down cause of Spring's “not eligible for auto-proxying” to other beans but it's a very limited set of references. Despite this pretty much every bean in my context is then being excluded..
Using application's Log4J configuration under JBoss 7.1.1 if that means that the file was parsed... how can I tell Despite of this new behaviour my log4j.xml configuration file still..
Is Eclipse the best IDE for Java? [closed] only to discover that it was all trash to begin with. Despite the size of the project I have found the community to be very.. for it because that probably doesn't exist or is wrong . Despite these things Eclipse really is a great IDE. Its refactoring..
Java maximum memory on Windows XP you can just switch to 64 bit Windows and a 64 bit JVM. Despite what others have suggested while it will chew up more RAM you..
What's wrong with Java Date & Time API? well designed API. Here are some of the favourite mistakes Despite being designed in the last decade of the millennium it rates..
Is a colon safe for friendly-URL use? that you don't send this part to the server. EDIT D'oh Despite my assertions about the URI spec irreputable provides the correct..
Hibernate: in production? hbm2ddl share improve this question No It's unsafe. Despite folks in Hibernate do their best you simply cannot rely on automatic..
The Guava library for java; what are its most useful and/or hidden features [closed] The functional stuff it provides... filter transform etc. Despite the verbosity of using classes for Function s and Predicate..
Why should casting be avoided? point should be examined much more closely than is common. Despite their seeming similarity integers should really be used for..
how to encode URL to avoid special characters in java the decoded components. Don't use the URLEncoder class Despite the name that class actually does HTML form encoding not URL..
Any good tutorial for moving from eclipse to vim? [closed] of Eclipse. I would strongly recommend this approach. Despite Vim's multitude of plugins nothing comes close to the language..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM method auth.promoteSession access_token yourAccessToken Despite of the Facebook Chat documentation says that it's needed to..
Are getters and setters poor design? [closed] Game class to put the main logic within the other classes. Despite this the main game class is still pretty hefty. After taking..
eclipse/tomcat: deploy doesn't work any more (ClassNotFoundException) Servers tab What else should I check Thank you. UPDATE Despite now I'm working with the new project I came back to check the..
How To Check Dependencies Between Jar Files? a jar that it's not used by another jar java class Despite that jars have compiled classes the compiled classes do have..
Java serialization - local class incompatible figured one defined in the superclass would be sufficient. Despite all this things were fine as far as reading back previously..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST method auth.promoteSession access_token yourAccessToken Despite of the Facebook Chat documentation says that it's needed to..