java Programming Glossary: depends
JComponents not showing up with picture background? JPanel to be drawn the usual Java way first this usually depends on the opaque property of the said JComponent if it's true then..
Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods? static methods share improve this question Overriding depends on having an instance of a class. The point of polymorphism..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet of each dropdownlist comes from database. dd3 's value depends upon value of dd2 and dd2 's value depends on value of dd1 ... dd3 's value depends upon value of dd2 and dd2 's value depends on value of dd1 . Can anyone tell me how do I call servlet for..
Why is it a bad practice to call System.gc? good indicator of fundamentally broken code. Any code that depends on it for correctness is certainly broken any that rely on it..
How slow are Java exceptions? exception handling share improve this question It depends how exceptions are implemented. The simplest way is using setjmp..
What are the pros and cons of the leading Java HTML parsers? There are pretty a lot of them. Which one to choose depends on the features it provides how is HTML cleaning made easy for..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? or a custom tag. How to replace scriptlets entirely depends on the sole purpose of the code logic. More than often this..
How to create a Java String from the contents of a file? next reusing the same fixed sized memory block. Here large depends on the computer specs. Nowadays this threshold might be many..
What's wrong with overridable method calls in constructors? the subclass constructor has run. If the overriding method depends on any initialization performed by the subclass constructor..
Design Patterns web based applications which can be attached with the model and whose behaviour depends on the state of the request based lifecycle. In JSF terms this..
Unicode equivalents for \w and \b in Java regular expressions? EDIT See addendum at bottom. What to do about d depends on your intent but the default is the Uniode definition. I can..
Migrating from JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0 Painfulness Painfulness of upgrading JSF 1.2 to 2.0 depends on the view technology which you are currently using and which.. a reliable answer since it basically boils down to it depends . In general it's sufficient to just upgrade the component library..
Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows which says If the parent is null then the dialog depends on no visible window and it's placed in a look and feel dependent..
Java: checked vs unchecked exception explanation should have been a method isValidInteger .. Yes exactly It depends on where this code is and what you want to happen. If it is..
How to choose the right bean scope? as long as the web application runs. Which scope to choose depends solely on the data the state the bean holds and represents...
Difference Between Equals and == have any user defined operator overloading. In C# it depends. Unless there's an overloaded operator which handles it will.. in Object also checks for identity. Note that this depends on the execution time type rather than the compilation time.. than the compilation time type that overload resolution depends on. Of course if a is null then you'll get a NullReferenceException..
byte array to Int Array one integer on the output array so that works out nicely. Depends on whether you expect the bytes to be in big endian or little..
What is the best installation tool for java? [closed] is the best installation tool for java closed Depends on your experience could you recommend something I've use izpack..
How to identify a missing method (Binary Compatibility) in a JAR statically if there are missing methods Is it possible at all E.g. Depends on class Foo depends on Bar like many other middle class workers..
java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date and day et cetera et cetera. Finally Which one to use Depends on the SQL type of the field really. PreparedStatement has setters..
Duplicated Java runtime options : what is the order of preference? jvm arguments java opts share improve this question Depends on the JVM perhaps the version...perhaps even how many paper..
I want to know the difference between static method and non-static method i an instance variable public int method2 return this.i 1 Depends on i You can call static methods like this Foo.method1 . If..
File Streaming in Java approach is not suitable for my situation is it Dilemma Depends on your answers on the question... If mapping copies a file..
Is it possible to set an environment variable at runtime from Java? modify the environment of the current process Not easily . Depends whether you want to change the process' environment to change..
What is the best macro-benchmarking tool / framework to measure a single-threaded complex algorithm in Java? [closed] tailored towards Android apps. Looks young but promising. Depends on Google Guava Commons monitoring not parameterizable Java.. trend analysis no good statistics but easily extensible. Depends on Jython HTTPClient JEditSyntax ApacheXMLBeans PicoContainer...
Best GWT widget library? [closed] Others java gwt smartgwt share improve this question Depends on what you mean by best . Best looking Best API Best for extending..