java Programming Glossary: deprecated
Facebook offline access step-by-step step UPDATE Facebook offline_access permission is being deprecated. Please refer to the official documentation for more information...
How to properly stop the Thread in Java P.S. I do not want to use .stop method because it is deprecated. java multithreading listener share improve this question..
How do I calculate someone's age in Java? Date ageInMillis return age.getYear But since getYear is deprecated I'm wondering if there is a better way to do this I'm not even..
Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated? is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated Why is Java Vector considered a legacy class obsolete or deprecated.. Why is Java Vector considered a legacy class obsolete or deprecated Isn't its use valid when working with concurrency And if I don't.. Vector what should I use instead of it java vector stack deprecated obsolete share improve this question Vector synchronizes..
Sending HTTP POST Request In Java Since some of the classes in the original answer are deprecated in the newer version of Apache HTTP Components I'm posting this..
Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? bases 1900 as the year base in Date admittedly for deprecated constructors 0 as the month base in both Mutability using immutable..
Where's the official JSP tutorial technology in JavaEE although I'm not aware of JSP being deprecated q1 is it . I tried to search for a separate tutorial but the.. technology in JavaEE although I'm not aware of JSP being deprecated q1 is it . JSF is not a view technology. JSF is a component.. JavaServer Faces 2.0. JSP technology is considered to be a deprecated presentation technology for JavaServer Faces 2.0. Facelets is..
Sandbox against malicious code in a Java application if takes too long kill it with Thread.stop. Thread.stop is deprecated but since the untrusted code shouldn't have access to any resources..
uploading of pdf file The HTML is using font and center tags which are deprecated since 1998. The business logic is mingled with the presentation..
Sessions in struts2 application should avoid scriptlets blocks of code in JSP. That was deprecated a really long time ago and is widely considered to be a very..
How do you kill a thread in Java? improve this question See this thread by Sun on why they deprecated Thread.stop . It goes into detail about why this was a bad method..
Why is StringTokenizer deprecated? is StringTokenizer deprecated The Java documentation doesn't seem to mention anything about.. for StringTokenizer yet I keep hearing about how it was deprecated long ago. Was it deprecated because it had bugs errors or is.. keep hearing about how it was deprecated long ago. Was it deprecated because it had bugs errors or is String.split simply better..
How are SSL certificate server names resolved/Can I add alternative names using keytool? the use of the Common Name is existing practice it is deprecated and Certification Authorities are encouraged to use the dNSName..
Why getText() in JPasswordField was deprecated? method was deprecated . The Java documentation explains Deprecated . As of Java 2 platform v1.2 replaced by getPassword . Fetches..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? Annotation InnerClasses SourceFile LineNumberTable Deprecated keep public class public protected keepclassmembers enum public..
How to intentionally cause a custom java compiler warning message? line so it gets printed in the warning message EDIT Deprecated tags don't seem to be doing anything for me @deprecated Temporary.. Temporary hack to work around remote server quirks @Deprecated private void doSomeHackyStuff ... No compiler or runtime errors..
The constructor Date(…) is deprecated. What does it mean? (Java) constructor deprecated share improve this question Deprecated literally means disapproved of but a more accurate translation.. of but a more accurate translation would be retired . Deprecated means this method is still usable but you should not use it... phased out. There is a new method to do the same thing . Deprecated methods are marked with a special Javadoc comment @deprecated..
java.util.Timer: Is it deprecated? it being deprecated. It's not even mentioned in Sun's Deprecated List . Is it officially deprecated and if so what should I use..
What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it? is it better Similar questions Should Java Raw Types be Deprecated java generics raw types share improve this question What..
Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API? been superseded and may cease to exist in the future. The @Deprecated annotation went a step further and warn of danger A program.. further and warn of danger A program element annotated @Deprecated is one that programmers are discouraged from using typically.. guide How and When to Deprecate APIs Annotation Type Deprecated API Note that the official glossary does not define what legacy..
Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java? it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java I am using eclipse to develop a.. fine. I want to know some things Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java What if I don't change any method.. share improve this question 1. Is it wrong to use Deprecated methods or classes in Java From the definition of deprecated..
When are API methods marked “deprecated” actually going to go away? except for any incompatibilities listed further below Deprecated APIs are interfaces that are supported only for backwards compatibility...
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM Facebook forum it is needed to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods setting from the Facebook settings page of your.. To make that method works you have to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods option in the Advance tab in your application settings...
Meaning of epsilon argument of assertEquals for double values to test double values. Reading API doc I can see @Deprecated public static void assertEquals double expected double actual.. static void assertEquals double expected double actual Deprecated. Use assertEquals double expected double actual double epsilon..
How to stop a thread that is running forever without any use loop. That's it As for other suggestions About Thread.stop Deprecated . This method is inherently unsafe ... Adding your own flag..
Java ServiceLoader with multiple Classloaders field injection. Why is the ServiceLoader so limited Deprecated code in the JVM damages the Java language itself. Many things..