java Programming Glossary: deque
Java equivalent of std::deque equivalent of std deque I'm a relatively new Java programmer coming from C STL and.. for a class with these characteristics which the C std deque has as I understand it O 1 performance for insertion removal.. call toArray which would not be O 1 . java collections deque share improve this question Primitive Collections for Java..
Bounded, auto-discarding, non-blocking, concurrent collection inserting elements at the top newest items go to the top deque.addFirst .. list.add 0 .. . It could be a Queue but the iteration.. first when the capacity is reached non blocking if the deque is empty retrievals should not block. It should also not block.. also not block return false null throw exception is the deque is full. concurrent multiple threads should be able to operate..
Why typical Array List implementations aren't double-ended? a good example here. Edit I originally called them array deques but that was a misunderstanding on my part I wasn't talking.. ended array lists. java language agnostic arraylist deque arraydeque share improve this question An ArrayList is simple.. array lists. java language agnostic arraylist deque arraydeque share improve this question An ArrayList is simple entries..