java Programming Glossary: destroyed
Java EE 6 @javax.annotation.ManagedBean vs. @javax.inject.Named vs. @javax.faces.ManagedBean are managed beans because they are instantiated and destroyed by a container which is a servlet container. So when you see..
Java OutOfMemoryError strange behaviour JVM spec only says that the frame with local variables is destroyed as a whole upon method completion. Therefore all behaviors that..
Garbage collection of String literals they were dynamically loaded ... and their classloader is destroyed. If i use intern method e.g String str new String java .intern..
Is there a destructor for Java? you cannot predict when or even if an object will be destroyed. Hence there is no direct equivalent of a destructor. There..
How to turn off the Eclipse code formatter for certain sections of Java code? the Eclipse editor and the semantic formatting is often destroyed when they format an entire source file. Is there a way to instruct..
Class with single method — best approach? a single function. After performing the function it can be destroyed. Is there any reason to prefer one of these approaches Initialize..
How to invalidate an user session when he logs twice with the same credentials who keeps track of the sessions created and destroyed. The thing is I could save the HTTPSession object in a application..
How to gracefully handle the SIGKILL signal in Java best say to send that finish command when my app has been destroyed with a kill 9 edit 1 kill 9 cannot be captured. Thank you guys..
SessionTimeout: web.xml vs session.maxInactiveInterval() HttpSessionEvent event System.out.printf Session ID s destroyed at s n event.getSession .getId new Date if you're not on Servlet.. make type . So don't be surprised when you don't see destroyed line in the console immediately after exactly one minute of.. when you fire a HTTP request on a timed out but not destroyed yet session it will be destroyed immediately. See also How do..
In Java is Permanent Generation space garbage collected? also contains Class loaders which have to be manually destroyed at the end of their use else they stay in memory and also keep..
How do you explain C++ pointers to a C#/Java developer? Duration objects. These are created when declared and destroyed when they go out of scope. I believe these are like C# structs.. Java object AKA pointers Technically pointers need to be destroyed manually via delete . But this is considered bad practice and.. lifespan. When the smart pointer goes out of scope it is destroyed and its destructor can call delete on the pointer. Smart pointers..
Where to stop/destroy threads in Android Service class? thread meaning the VM will ensure that it is automatically destroyed if there are no non daemon threads running such as if your app..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder Surface will be destroyed when we return so stop the preview. Because the CameraDevice.. void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder Surface will be destroyed when we return so stop the preview. if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview..
How do you debug Java Applets? name the thread priority alive if the thread is alive or destroyed if the thread is in the process of being destroyed and daemon.. or destroyed if the thread is in the process of being destroyed and daemon if the thread is a daemon thread. The other command..