java Programming Glossary: describing
How to send PUT, DELETE HTTP request in HttpURLConnection? to HTTP based URL. I have read so many articles describing that how to send GET POST TRACE OPTIONS request but still not..
CollectionAssert in jUnit? JUnit no need for an extra .jar to produce complex self describing asserts including ones that operate on collections import static..
What is perm space? permanent generation is special because it holds meta data describing user classes classes that are not part of the Java language.. the Java language . Examples of such meta data are objects describing classes and methods and they are stored in the Permanent Generation...
Calling a Java method with no name [duplicate] commented below see the section in the Oracle tutorial describing initializaiton blocks for more information. share improve this..
Fast algorithm for searching for substrings in a string check each pattern use string.contains 50 Some resources describing the algos mentioned in the answers below http
Secure HTTP Post in Android HTTP response. The service just gives me a structure describing the error if I give it something other than what it expects...
How to register some URL namespace (myapp://app.start/) for accessing your program by calling a URL in browser in Android OS? means do not do this. Android defines a Uri syntax for describing a generic Intent. There are methods on Intent for converting..
Use of Java [Interfaces / Abstract classes] an interface instead of an abstract class I have one class describing the main character Survivor and since it is pretty big i wanted..
How to convert MS doc to pdf Java solution and costs over 2 500. It contains samples describing how to convert documents in the evaluation download. OpenOffice..
Coding Conventions - Naming Enums Conventions Naming Enums Is there a document describing how to name enumerations in Java My preference is that an enum.. FruitClass Also is there a good document describing the same for constants where to declare them etc. Walter java..
Parsing very large XML documents (and a bit more) in java I'm not sure if it's possible to parse XML in the way I'm describing by walking over as much of the document is required to gather..
How can a Swing WindowListener veto JFrame closing are very simple. EDIT I've added the solution I'm describing. This assumes you want the frame to be fully deleted. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation..
How to implement low pass filter using java waveform share improve this question I have a page describing a very simple very low CPU low pass filter that is also able..
Why are local variables not initialized in Java? this question The problem you link to seems to be describing this situation SomeObject so try Do some work here ... so new..
Know of any Java garbage collection log analysis tools? GC toolkit does exactly what you ask. Here's an article describing what it is and how to use it http developerworks..
Real-time Java graph / chart library? [closed] can be used for the kind of applications you are describing. You can achieve 1 update per second which is fine. I don't..
Why does println(array) have strange output? (“[Ljava.lang.String;@3e25a5”) The toString method of an array returns a String describing the identity of the array rather than its contents. That's because..
“Could not find the main class” error when running jar exported by Eclipse your command prompt go to the location of bin folder I am describing my side as follows C Mine Eclipse TicTacToe bin jar cfm .. tictactoe.jar..