java Programming Glossary: desirable
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? leaks but also the most commonly avoided. While it is desirable to have an inner class have direct access to an Activities class..
Maven for other languages? model is something that I would imagine is universally desirable across many languages. This is especially true when your application..
How to move an image (animation)? leads to flickering when performing animation which isn't desirable. As a side note it is also discouraged to override the paint..
Convert audio stream to WAV byte array in Java without temp file tempFile.delete return bytes This is obviously less desirable. Is there a better way java audio wav javasound share improve..
Java thread creation overhead this well I remember the days when object pooling was desirable in Java because object creation was expensive. This has since..
Approach for fixing NoClassDefFoundError? [duplicate] myApp with the same results. Is it possible or desirable to statically bind at compile time to avoid the problem How.. are not being packaged into the APK. Is it possible or desirable to statically bind at compile time to avoid the problem It is.. bind at compile time to avoid the problem It is possible desirable and necessary. Outside of Eclipse you just put the JARs you..
How to get a Token from a Lucene TokenStream? to jpountz and Lucene's documentation addAttribute is more desirable than getAttribute . TokenStream tokenStream analyzer.tokenStream..
PrintWriter and PrintStream never throw IOExceptions . One application where this behavior is extremely desirable is logging. Logging is ancillary to a larger application. Typically..
How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0? consumption of the same message which is hardly ever desirable. This is interesting and makes sense when you think about it...
Handling InterruptedException in Java So for the scenarios in which the second approach is desirable I'd say never. If you want to throw an exception rethrow the..
Disable HttpClient logging usage of HttpClient not my own. Either way it's not desirable. UPDATE Thanks for the attempts so far. I've tried everything..
Why catch Exceptions in Java, when you can catch Throwables? said there are a few corner cases where it is safe and or desirable to catch Errors or at least certain subclasses There are cases..
Spring validation, how to have PropertyEditor generate specific error message would take place in the form's onSubmit . This is less desirable as my form and model has many properties and I don't want to..
How to provide a context configuration for a web application in Tomcat? configuration file will be lost overwritten which is not desirable. Tomcat won't modify this behaviour as far as I know. The question..
Easiest way to merge a release into one JAR file lib xmlParserAPIs 2.6.2.jar As you can see it is somewhat desirable to not need to do this manually. So far I've only tried AutoJar..
Why does Java have transient variables? the serialized object. Of course this may or may not be desirable depending on the requirements of the system this is just an..
How to deploy a java applet for today's browsers (applet, embed, object)? the applet tag has been deprecated so it's probably not desirable to use that tag. More information on the applet tag from the..