java Programming Glossary: dest
How to create war files mkdir dir dist echo Copying web into dist echo copydir dest dist web src web copydir dest dist web WEB INF lib src basedir.. web into dist echo copydir dest dist web src web copydir dest dist web WEB INF lib src basedir .. web WEB INF lib target Compile.. INF classes mkdir dir dist.dir web WEB INF classes javac destdir dist.dir web WEB INF classes srcdir src classpath fileset..
When to use generic methods and when to use wild-card? example class Collections public static T void copy List T dest List extends T src ... We could have written the signature for.. Collections public static T S extends T void copy List T dest List S src ... The document discourages the second declaration.. as example suppose you want to ensure that the src and dest list passed to copy method should be of same parameterized type..
How can I add to List<? extends Number> data structures? for Collection.copy public static T void copy List super T dest List extends T src Notice how the src list declaration uses.. subclasses of T. But you cannot add to the src list. The dest list declaration uses super to allow me to pass any List from.. I can do any of these calls with that single method copy dest src Collection.copy new ArrayList Number new ArrayList Number..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog try String url getParameters .getString PARAM_URL File dest new File getContext .getFilesDir new File url .getName DownloadUtils.downloadFile.. url .getName DownloadUtils.downloadFile getContext url dest DownloadUtils.getDownloadListenerForTask this return true catch..
How to make a color transparent in a BufferedImage and save as PNG too. EDIT To convert Image to BufferedImage BufferedImage dest new BufferedImage imageWidth imageHeight BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB.. imageHeight BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB Graphics2D g2 dest.createGraphics g2.drawImage image 0 0 null g2.dispose EDIT 2.. Image image int width int height BufferedImage dest new BufferedImage width height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB Graphics2D..
Smoothing a jagged path createCompatibleDestImage BufferedImage src ColorModel destCM BufferedImage bi new BufferedImage src.getWidth src.getHeight.. BufferedImage filter BufferedImage src BufferedImage dest if dest null dest createCompatibleDestImage src null for int.. filter BufferedImage src BufferedImage dest if dest null dest createCompatibleDestImage src null for int x 0 x..