java Programming Glossary: dates
Converting a JFreeChart TimeSeries series with Day data to Week or Month data? Your implementation would have to normalize the Excel dates which use a different epoch . Addendum Apache POI includes static.. - Recreating directory structure finally res.close This code makes doesn't preserve dates and I'm not sure how it would react to stuff like symlinks...
Java Date vs Calendar compatibility reasons. If you need to set particular dates or do date arithmetic use a Calendar. Calendars also handle..
How to compare two Dates without the time portion? superior API. If you're doing anything significant with dates times you should really use it if you possibly can. If you're..
Java: comparing two Dates to see if they are in the same day time zones can be involved. The code above will for both dates compute the day relative to the time zone used by the computer..
Compare dates in Java dates in Java How do I compare dates in between in Java Example date1.. dates in Java How do I compare dates in between in Java Example date1 is 22 02 2010 date2 is 07 04..
Determine file creation date in Java of the web. Is there a mechanism for getting file creation dates Thanks Todd BTW currently on a Windows system may need this..
question on GWT, Cookies and webpage directing expiration properly on client side correct expiration dates on cookies should result in the user being redirected to the..
Difference in days between two dates in Java? in days between two dates in Java I've to find number of days between two dates one is.. two dates in Java I've to find number of days between two dates one is from report and one is current date. My snippet int age..
Why is January month 0 in Java Calendar? don't know half of the problems . Admittedly working with dates and times is tricky but aaargh anyway. Do yourself a favour..
how to calculate difference between two dates using java [duplicate] to calculate difference between two dates using java duplicate I'm using Java's class..
How do you subtract Dates in Java? internally after having to go so deep to subtract two dates to calculate the span in number of days GregorianCalendar c1..
JTable + Sorting specific field in the cell. When I sort it sorts as string and I the dates get mixed up how do I change the behaviour of sorting for that..
JPA/Hibernate store date in UTC time zone java app in UTC timezone so that hibernate will store dates in UTC and you'll need to convert to whatever timezone desired..
Calculate date/time difference in java in java I want to calculate difference between 2 dates in hours minutes seconds. I have a slight problem with my code..
Should I use Java date and time classes or go with a 3rd party library like Joda Time? over the world. One type of data which must be stored is dates and times. What are the pros and cons of using the Java date..
Why is subtracting these two times (in 1927) giving a strange result? one second difference in the times but 353 If I change the dates to times one second later String str3 1927 12 31 23 54 08 String..
How to compare two Dates without the time portion? to compare two Dates without the time portion I would like to have a compareTo method..
Get Daylight Saving Transition Dates For Time Zones in Java Daylight Saving Transition Dates For Time Zones in Java I'd like to know the simplest way in..
Add specific background colors to JDaychooser Dates specific background colors to JDaychooser Dates I've developed a Java Swing application.. How can I set the..
In Java, how do I get the difference in seconds between 2 dates? question Not familiar with DateTime... If you have two Dates you can call getTime on them to get millseconds get the diff..
java.util.Date vs java.sql.Date actually missing stuff. I'm really saying that none of the Dates should be used at all. What I am saying that save the milliseconds..
Java: comparing two Dates to see if they are in the same day comparing two Dates to see if they are in the same day I need to compare two Date..
Date Comparison using Java [duplicate] share improve this question If you're set on using Java Dates rather than say JodaTime use a java.text.DateFormat to convert..
Why were most java.util.Date methods deprecated? It was a very poor implementation of the concept of Dates and Times and it was replaced by the Calendar class. The Calendar..
How do you subtract Dates in Java? do you subtract Dates in Java My heart is bleeding internally after having to go..
Dates before January 1st, 1970 before January 1st 1970 The getTime fetches the time in millis..
How can I update a JFreeChart's appearance after it's been made visible? date new JComboBox final String dateCmds Horizontal Dates Vertical Dates date.setModel new DefaultComboBoxModel dateCmds.. JComboBox final String dateCmds Horizontal Dates Vertical Dates date.setModel new DefaultComboBoxModel dateCmds date.addActionListener..
Converting a Date object to a calendar object date.toString DateFormat is used to convert Strings to Dates parse or Dates to Strings format . You are using it to parse.. DateFormat is used to convert Strings to Dates parse or Dates to Strings format . You are using it to parse the String representation..
Spring validation, how to have PropertyEditor generate specific error message that are easily bound String objects basic objects like Dates etc . This way you can use a validator after binding to verify..
MySQL datetime not returning time I would also check out JodaTime for working with Dates in Java makes life much simpler. Finally its worth noting that..