java Programming Glossary: db.rawquery
Android ListView selected item stay highlighted android fadeScrollbars false ListView Java Cursor cursor db.rawQuery Select NrCl ' ' Nome From Clientes null final ListView t ListView..
How to get a tables columns arraylist on Android? improve this question This is a simpler way Cursor ti db.rawQuery PRAGMA table_info mytable null if ti.moveToFirst do System.out.println..
Android SQLite Cursor out of bounds exception on SELECT count(*) FROM table String count SELECT count FROM table Cursor mcursor db.rawQuery count null int icount mcursor.getInt 0 System.out.println NUMBER.. String count SELECT count FROM table Cursor mcursor db.rawQuery count null mcursor.moveToFirst int icount mcursor.getInt 0 System.out.println..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? String tableName List String ar null Cursor c null try c db.rawQuery select from tableName limit 1 null if c null ar new ArrayList..
How can i check to see if my sqlite table has data in it? createCATBUDTAB db.execSQL createTWOWEETAB try Cursor cur db.rawQuery SELECT COUNT FROM CAT_BUD_TAB null if cur.getCount 0 Log.i DB.. code tested only in my head so be careful Cursor cur db.rawQuery SELECT COUNT FROM CAT_BUD_TAB null if cur null cur.moveToFirst..