java Programming Glossary: datetimezone.forid
How to get the current date and time of your timezone in Java? MAD_TIMEZONE With Joda Time DateTimeZone zone DateTimeZone.forID Europe Madrid DateTime dt new DateTime zone int day dt.getDayOfMonth..
Get Daylight Saving Transition Dates For Time Zones in Java public static void main String args DateTimeZone zone DateTimeZone.forID Europe London DateTimeFormatter format DateTimeFormat.mediumDateTime..
Mockito: How to mock an interface of JodaTime public DateTime getCurrentDateTimeEST return new DateTime DateTimeZone.forID EST @Override public DateTime getFourPM_EST DateTime current.. current.getMonthOfYear current.getDayOfMonth 16 0 0 0 DateTimeZone.forID EST @Override public DateTime getSevenPM_EST DateTime current.. current.getMonthOfYear current.getDayOfMonth 19 0 0 0 DateTimeZone.forID EST Here is the method that I want to test public class PrintProcessor..