

java Programming Glossary: databufferint

drawing your own buffered image on frame


import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt public class test extends Canvas public static JFrame frame.. WIDTH HEIGHT BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB int pixels DataBufferInt img.getRaster .getDataBuffer .getData boolean running true while.. import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt import javax.swing. public class TestImageDraw public static..

Convert a JPanel to an image in a JScrollPane


pg.getWidth height pg.getHeight DataBuffer buffer new DataBufferInt int pg.getPixels pg.getWidth pg.getHeight WritableRaster raster..

Java: how to do fast copy of a BufferedImage's pixels? (unit test included)


BufferedImage dst final int dx final int dy int srcbuf DataBufferInt src.getRaster .getDataBuffer .getData int dstbuf DataBufferInt.. src.getRaster .getDataBuffer .getData int dstbuf DataBufferInt dst.getRaster .getDataBuffer .getData int width src.getWidth..

problem using ImageIO.write jpg file


pg.getWidth height pg.getHeight DataBuffer buffer new DataBufferInt int pg.getPixels pg.getWidth pg.getHeight WritableRaster raster..

Java: how to do double-buffering in Swing?


import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.awt.image.DataBufferInt public class DemosDoubleBuffering extends JFrame private static.. void drawSquare final BufferedImage bi final int buf DataBufferInt bi.getRaster .getDataBuffer .getData for int i 0 i buf.length..