java Programming Glossary: datagramsocket
accessing a variable from another class
android open socket and send commands Use the classes. Below is a simple example using DatagramSockets String cmd my command try InetSocketAddress address new InetSocketAddress.. request new DatagramPacket cmd.getBytes cmd.length address DatagramSocket socket new DatagramSocket socket.send request catch SocketException.. cmd.getBytes cmd.length address DatagramSocket socket new DatagramSocket socket.send request catch SocketException e ... catch IOException..
Listening for TCP and UDP requests on the same port code public class UDPThread extends Thread private DatagramSocket socket null public UDPThread DatagramSocket socket super UDPThread.. Thread private DatagramSocket socket null public UDPThread DatagramSocket socket super UDPThread this.socket socket @Override public void.. at Unknown Source at
Send and receive serialize object on UDP in java i int shift i 3 i 8 data 3 i byte number 0xff shift shift DatagramSocket socket new DatagramSocket 1233 InetAddress client InetAddress.getByName.. i byte number 0xff shift shift DatagramSocket socket new DatagramSocket 1233 InetAddress client InetAddress.getByName localhost DatagramPacket.. KNOW your sizes public static void main String args try DatagramSocket socket new DatagramSocket 1234 byte data new byte 4 DatagramPacket..
Sockets: Discover port availability using Java Invalid start port port ServerSocket ss null DatagramSocket ds null try ss new ServerSocket port ss.setReuseAddress true.. ss new ServerSocket port ss.setReuseAddress true ds new DatagramSocket port ds.setReuseAddress true return true catch IOException e.. should not be thrown return false They are checking the DatagramSocket as well to check if the port is avaliable in UDP and TCP. Hope..
Android UDP Communication UDP traffic on port 8752. My Android application opens a DatagramSocket on a random port and sends a packet to my server with this port... socket snippet public void init datagram_server_socket new DatagramSocket port local_addr datagram_server_socket.setSoTimeout 1000 Snippet.. udp_port r.nextInt 1000 8000 udp_port 8000 comm_skt new DatagramSocket udp_port Log.i ServerWrapper UDP Listening on port udp_port..
How can I implement a threaded UDP based server in Java? String name throws IOException super name socket new DatagramSocket So fathers of Java programming please help. java multithreading..
How to set reuse address option for a datagram socket in java code? on close of the socket. So i tried like this dc new DatagramSocket inetAddr dc.setReuseAddress true The problem is it is not reaching.. too late for it to do any good. OR Construct a DatagramSocket with a null argument. That will create an unbound socket. Then..