java Programming Glossary: db.execsql
Foreign key constraints in Android using SQLite? on Delete cascade the waypoints table public void onCreate SQLiteDatabase db db.execSQL CREATE TABLE TABLE_NAME _ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT.. db if db.isReadOnly Enable foreign key constraints db.execSQL PRAGMA foreign_keys ON I declared my referencing column as..
Upgrade SQLite database from one version to another? int DATABASE_VERSION 1 .... switch upgradeVersion case 1 db.execSQL ALTER TABLE task ADD body TEXT upgradeVersion 2 break ... java.. restore data String cols StringUtils.join columns db.execSQL String.format INSERT INTO s s SELECT s from temp_ s TableName..
How can i check to see if my sqlite table has data in it? db Log.i DB onCreate Creating the database... log message db.execSQL createCATBUDTAB db.execSQL createTWOWEETAB try Cursor cur db.rawQuery.. the database... log message db.execSQL createCATBUDTAB db.execSQL createTWOWEETAB try Cursor cur db.rawQuery SELECT COUNT FROM.. than 0 should read array log message for int i 0 i 13 i db.execSQL catInsertArray i catch SQLiteException e System.err.println..
Android - Sqlite database method undefined fot type KEY AUTOINCREMENT name TEXT NOT NULL age INTEGER NOT NULL db.execSQL query db.close @Override public void onUpgrade SQLiteDatabase.. string before. Like this String query YOUR SQL STATEMENT db.execSQL query db.close Is a possibility share improve this answer..
SQLiteOpenHelper failing to call onCreate? generated method stub Log.v smartdbhelper before creation db.execSQL NOTIFY_TABLE_CREATE Log.v smartdbhelper middle creation db.execSQL.. NOTIFY_TABLE_CREATE Log.v smartdbhelper middle creation db.execSQL DATA_TABLE_CREATE Log.v smartdbhelper after creation @Override..