java Programming Glossary: datahandler
Alternatives to Java Mail API There are only two implementations of javax.activation.DataHandler which mandates me to create a local file to send an attachment... May be I have to write my own implementation of DataHandler but I dont want to do that at this point. thanks in advance.. I meant javax.activation.DataSource not javax.activation.DataHandler java javamail share improve this question Spring provides..
How to convert an InputStream to a DataHandler? to convert an InputStream to a DataHandler I'm working on a java web application in which files will be.. 1 ... This byte array was then converted into a DataHandler using the obvious constructor dataHandler new DataHandler bytes.. DataHandler using the obvious constructor dataHandler new DataHandler bytes application octet stream This worked great until we started..
Inline images in email using JavaMail ds new ByteArrayDataSource image image jpeg bodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler ds bodyPart.setHeader Content Type image jpeg.. image image jpeg bodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler ds bodyPart.setHeader Content Type image jpeg name image.jpg..
How to attach multiple files to an email using JavaMail? source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename.. FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename multipart.addBodyPart.. source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source messageBodyPart.setFileName filename..
Convert XML file to CSV in java and output data xr XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader DataHandler datahandler new DataHandler datahandler.setHeaderArray columnheaders.. DataHandler datahandler new DataHandler datahandler.setHeaderArray columnheaders xr.setContentHandler.. content new String ch start length public static class DataHandler extends DefaultHandler private String content private String..
Embedding images into html email with java mail URLDataSource classLoader.getResource fileName imgPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler ds imgPart.setHeader Content ID logoimg multipart.addBodyPart.. fileName imgPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler ds imgPart.setHeader Content ID logoimg multipart.addBodyPart..