java Programming Glossary: datainputstream
Java API to find out the JDK version a class file is compiled for? void checkClassVersion String filename throws IOException DataInputStream in new DataInputStream new FileInputStream filename int magic.. String filename throws IOException DataInputStream in new DataInputStream new FileInputStream filename int magic in.readInt if magic 0xcafebabe..
Test if file exists this try FileInputStream fIn context.openFileInput FILE DataInputStream in new DataInputStream fIn BufferedReader br new BufferedReader.. fIn context.openFileInput FILE DataInputStream in new DataInputStream fIn BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
Access resource files in Android FileInputStream fis null BufferedInputStream bis null DataInputStream dis null try fis new FileInputStream file bis new BufferedInputStream.. file bis new BufferedInputStream fis dis new DataInputStream bis while dis.available 0 Do something with file Log.d GAME..
ANDROID: How to gain root access in an Android application? pOut new DataOutputStream p.getOutputStream DataInputStream pIn new DataInputStream p.getInputStream String rv su must exit.. DataOutputStream p.getOutputStream DataInputStream pIn new DataInputStream p.getInputStream String rv su must exit before its output can..
uploading of pdf file contentType null contentType.indexOf multipart form data 0 DataInputStream in new DataInputStream request. getInputStream we are taking.. multipart form data 0 DataInputStream in new DataInputStream request. getInputStream we are taking the length of Content.. header. This may malform corrupt the result bytes. The DataInputStream wrapper is unnecessary the code is not taking any benefit of..
Implementation of X-modem protocol in Java byte character byte sector new byte SECSIZE int nbytes DataInputStream foo foo new DataInputStream new FileInputStream tfile errStream.println.. new byte SECSIZE int nbytes DataInputStream foo foo new DataInputStream new FileInputStream tfile errStream.println file open ready..
how to read the given text file [closed] fstream new FileInputStream sample1.txt Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in new DataInputStream fstream BufferedReader.. sample1.txt Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in new DataInputStream fstream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader.. Get the object of DataInputStream DataInputStream in new DataInputStream fstream BufferedReader br new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
How to force browser to download file? f BufferedInputStream bin new BufferedInputStream in DataInputStream din new DataInputStream bin while din.available 0 out.print.. bin new BufferedInputStream in DataInputStream din new DataInputStream bin while din.available 0 out.print din.readLine out.print n.. f BufferedInputStream bin new BufferedInputStream in DataInputStream din new DataInputStream bin while din.available 0 out.print..