java Programming Glossary: datatypes
Apache solr configuration with tomcat 6.0 In this file you can do several stuff like setting up datatypes of your fields setting unique primary key of your search etc...
Custom HashMap Code Issue improve this question I doubt this is possible given the datatypes you have declared. Just multiply the sizes of the primitive.. it will not fit. Consider shrinking the size of the datatypes involved or storing it somewhere other than RAM. share improve..
Freemarker iterating over hashmap keys iterating over hashmap keys Freemarker has two collection datatypes lists and hashmaps Is there a way to iterate over hashmap keys..
Java: right shift on negative number this question Because in Java there are no unsigned datatypes there are two types of right shifts arithmetic shift and logical..
Datatype of SUM result in MySQL result of a query. But this obviously can't work if the datatypes differ between servers where the application is deployed. I..
How to call oracle stored procedure which include user-defined type in java? to pass from java to Oracle than arrays of standard datatypes. In other words it is easier to call a procedure with signature..
Port of Random generator from C to Java? the CMWC4096 code to Java but it uses several unsigned datatypes so I am not sure how to do this properly. Here is the full C..
How do I pass a primitive data type by reference? a single threaded setting. Missing direct support for some datatypes e.g. there is no AtomicShort. Representative classes AtomicBoolean..
Is there a way to draw UML in Visio for Java? really like it. However it doesn't seem to have UML model datatypes for Java. Is there some template I can download for Java Or..
Casting variables in Java I should do it but not really why it works. On primitive datatypes I understand partially but when it comes to casting objects..
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger we need First a representation of the number based on the datatypes which Java gives us. As you think the decimal conversion is..
Is there a Java library for unsigned number type wrappers? protocols. On these occasions I wished I had unsigned datatypes also. But emulating them in Java with wrapper types would have..