java Programming Glossary: datasource
document not saving in spring jpa document manager application a container managed datasource jee jndi lookup id jeedataSource jndi name jdbc mydbname enable the configuration of transactional.. this dependency jeedataSource must be defined somewhere else property name dataSource ref.. jeedataSource must be defined somewhere else property name dataSource ref jeedataSource bean Be suspicious of additional parameters..
How should I connect to a MySQL data source from Eclipse? manager to something like this private DataSource dataSource public Database String jndiname try dataSource DataSource new.. DataSource dataSource public Database String jndiname try dataSource DataSource new InitialContext .lookup java comp env jndiname.. missing in JNDI e public Connection getConnection return dataSource.getConnection ..and replace all DriverManager.getConnection..
Named parameters in JDBC jdbcTemplate new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate dataSource MapSqlParameterSource paramSource new MapSqlParameterSource..
Error : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.objectweb.asm.ClassWriter.<init>(I)V spring beans.dtd beans Hibernate session factory bean id dataSource class org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource.. property name dataSource ref bean dataSource property property name configLocation value.. property name dataSource ref bean dataSource property property name configLocation value WEB INF classes..
Spring, Hibernate, Blob lazy loading Spring and Hibernate. The part of database config. bean id dataSource class com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource destroy method.. property name dataSource ref dataSource property name configLocation value WEB INF hibernate.cfg.xml.. property name dataSource ref dataSource property name configLocation value WEB INF hibernate.cfg.xml..
Java connectivity with MySQL for you Context context new InitialContext DataSource dataSource DataSource context.lookup java comp env jdbc myDB or instantiating.. one from your database driver directly MysqlDataSource dataSource new MysqlDataSource dataSource.setUser scott dataSource.setPassword.. directly MysqlDataSource dataSource new MysqlDataSource dataSource.setUser scott dataSource.setPassword tiger dataSource.setServerName..
Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource property name dataSource ref dataSource property name jpaVendorAdapter bean class org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter.. property name dataSource ref dataSource property name jpaVendorAdapter bean class org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter.. property name dataSource ref dataSource2 property name jpaVendorAdapter bean class org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter..
How do I make a Java ResultSet available in my jsp? The current sql is a simple select. sql query var result dataSource dSource sql select from TABLE sql query How do I take my Java..
Error creating bean with name 'sessionFactory' : MalformedParameterizedTypeException property name dataSource ref mysqlDataSource property name packagesToScan list value..
Exception NoClassDefFoundError for CacheProvider 4. The part of my context.xml for persistence bean id dataSource class org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource property name.. property name dataSource ref dataSource property name packagesToScan value com.huawei.vms.user.. property name dataSource ref dataSource property name packagesToScan value com.huawei.vms.user property..
Is it a good idea to put jdbc connection code in servlet class? Resource name jdbc ProjectX auth Container type javax.sql.DataSource driverClassName com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url jdbc mysql localhost.. xa datasource class com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource xa datasource class driver drivers In the end if you have configured.. SQLException InitialContext cxt new InitialContext DataSource ds DataSource cxt.lookup java comp env jdbc ProjectX return..
How should I connect to a MySQL data source from Eclipse? file included and I've found two methods that work MysqlDataSource d new MysqlDataSource d.setUser user d.setPassword pass d.setServerName.. found two methods that work MysqlDataSource d new MysqlDataSource d.setUser user d.setPassword pass d.setServerName question A common practice is to configure this as a DataSource in the webserver in question. It will provide you connection..
JDBC MySql Connection Pooling practices import java.sql.SQLException import javax.sql.DataSource import javax.naming.Context import javax.naming.InitialContext.. public class DatabaseBean private DataSource myDataSource public DatabaseBean try Context ctx new InitialContext.. public class DatabaseBean private DataSource myDataSource public DatabaseBean try Context ctx new InitialContext ecwinsDataSource..
jdbc connection pooling C3P0 is dead simple. From the documentation ComboPooledDataSource cpds new ComboPooledDataSource cpds.setDriverClass org.postgresql.Driver.. documentation ComboPooledDataSource cpds new ComboPooledDataSource cpds.setDriverClass org.postgresql.Driver loads the jdbc driver.. 5 cpds.setAcquireIncrement 5 cpds.setMaxPoolSize 20 The DataSource cpds is now a fully configured and usable pooled DataSource..
Java connectivity with MySQL fairly old way of doing things. The better way is to get a DataSource either by looking one up that your app server container already.. configured for you Context context new InitialContext DataSource dataSource DataSource context.lookup java comp env jdbc myDB.. Context context new InitialContext DataSource dataSource DataSource context.lookup java comp env jdbc myDB or instantiating and..
How to attach multiple files to an email using JavaMail? messageBodyPart messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler.. messageBodyPart new MimeBodyPart DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler new DataHandler source.. looks like you could just repeat this code multiple times DataSource source new FileDataSource filename messageBodyPart.setDataHandler..
How does UserTransaction propagate? the container has all the hooks it needs to track DataSource s EntityManager s and other resources in the current transaction..
Embed .swf file to my Jframe void build HashMap theDictionary String filePath String DataSource ArrayList actions if DataSource.equals DataTypeEnum.url.toString.. String filePath String DataSource ArrayList actions if DataSource.equals DataTypeEnum.url.toString createFlashPanel String theDictionary.get.. createFlashPanel String theDictionary.get Path setDataSource DataTypeEnum.url else String theFile XMLUtilities.parseFilePath..
Steps needed to use MySQL database with Play framework 2.0 framework. I'm trying to configure MySQL database as a datasource to be used with Play Ebeans. Could you some one please explain..
dynamically change Spring data source bean id transactionManager class org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager property name dataSource ref majorDataSource.. will not change runtime. It is not my case. java spring datasource share improve this question You can use spring's AbstractRoutingDataSource.. that should return the key referencing the datasource's spring bean to be used. Take a look at this blog article on..
Is it a good idea to put jdbc connection code in servlet class? password maxActive 20 maxIdle 10 maxWait 1 JBoss way datasource jndi name jdbc ProjectX pool name MySqlDS connection url jdbc.. statement cache size share prepared statements statement datasource drivers driver name com.mysql module com.mysql xa datasource.. drivers driver name com.mysql module com.mysql xa datasource class com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlXADataSource xa datasource..
Correct usage of Stateful Beans with Servlets EJBs then you are then you can easily use your appserver's datasource configuration to create a connection pool and use that inside..
document not saving in spring jpa document manager application something very similar to JTA requires a container managed datasource jee jndi lookup id jeedataSource jndi name jdbc mydbname enable..
How should I connect to a MySQL data source from Eclipse? I'll just give a Tomcat example. You need to configure the datasource as per the webserver supplied JNDI documentation. In case of.. means that the webapplication context should create a datasource with the JNDI name jdbc db with a maximum of 100 active connections.. This roughly means that the webapplication should use the datasource with the name jdbc db . Then change your connection manager..
To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered driver to Tomcat's lib folder and have a connection pooled datasource to manage the driver. Note that Tomcat's builtin DBCP does not..
Multiple Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource Entity Manager issue in Spring when using more than one datasource I have two entity managers in my applicationContext.xml which.. . See http 2007 01 23 dynamic datasource routing for an introduction. What ends up happening is that..
Understanding EJB3/JPA container-level transactions and isolation level unit name pu transaction type JTA jta data source jdbc datasource jta data source exclude unlisted classes false exclude unlisted..
PersistenceContext EntityManager injection NullPointerException sure I had this working without the jboss web.xml or the datasource entry in web.xml. I've deployed the ds.xml to the deploy directory..
Tomcat vs Weblogic JNDI Lookup servers we are using have been configured to allow JNDI datasource names like appds . For development localhost we might be running.. in the context section of server.xml Tomcat will hang JNDI datasources on java comp env jdbc in the JNDI tree. Problem in Weblogic..
Closing JDBC Connections in Pool class. Then just call getConnection on the one and same datasource throughout the rest of application's lifetime. No need for synchronization..
Configure hibernate to connect to database via JNDI Datasource and found that I should get my connections through JNDI datasource but I couldn't reach a good and complete tutorial on this. What.. configuration session factory ... property name connection.datasource java comp env jdbc RSGames property ... session factory hibernate.. property name hibernate.connection.datasource value java comp env jdbc DsWebAppDB properties persistence unit..
SLF4J NoSuchMethodError on LocationAwareLogger groupId artifactId visualization datasource artifactId version 1.0.2 version dependency dependency groupId..
How To Pass a JRBeanCollectionDataSource to iReport? the fields. Click the following icon Select the JavaBean Datasource tab. Enter the classname of your bean. ex. ScenarioResults Click.. as many as you want return list Now you need to create a Datasource pointing to it in iReport. Next to the Datasource dropdown in.. create a Datasource pointing to it in iReport. Next to the Datasource dropdown in the toolbar click the icon with the tooltip `Report..
Using PreparedStatement pooling in dbcp code example to this. You should read docs for your JDBC Datasource implementation and see what developers have to say about pooling...
refering Tomcat JNDI datasource in persistence.xml global 'jdbc myds' name 'jdbc myds' type javax.sql.Datasource Context and in application there is persistence.xml persistence.. in JMX console when I connect to the Tomcat Catalina Datasource javax.sql.Datasource jdbc myds ObjectName Catalina type DataSource.. when I connect to the Tomcat Catalina Datasource javax.sql.Datasource jdbc myds ObjectName Catalina type DataSource class javax.sql.DataSource..
java jdbc mysql connector: how to resolve disconnection after a long idle time feature that can be helpful on occasion see Driver Datasource Class Names URL Syntax and Configuration Properties for Connector..
How to use Spring security with jpa? jdbc user service id userDetailsService data source ref Datasource authentication provider But in JPA we do not define datasource..
Configure hibernate to connect to database via JNDI Datasource hibernate to connect to database via JNDI Datasource Hi all I'm using Hibernate Struts2 Tomcat6 Mysql as my J2EE.. res ref name jdbc RSGames res ref name res type javax.sql.Datasource res type res auth Container res auth resource ref and modifying..
Best way to handle Hibernate Sessions in a layered Spring MVC Web application layer JBOSS being the app server with Oracle as backend Datasource JNDI based connection pooling Not an XA rather Local data source..
How do I connect to a Websphere Datasource with a given JNDI name? do I connect to a Websphere Datasource with a given JNDI name I'm using Websphere Portal 7.0 and creating.. welcome file welcome file list resource ref description Datasource connection to Db description res ref name jdbc db res ref name.. it all fall into place web.xml resource ref description Datasource connection to db description res ref name jdbc db res ref name..
How to use JNDI DataSource provided by Tomcat in Spring? javax.sql.DataSource Reference documentation Tomcat 7 JNDI Datasource HOW TO Tomcat 7 Context Resource Links Reference Spring 3 JEE..