java Programming Glossary: castor
Java XML Binding [closed] closed What are you using for binding XML to Java JAXB Castor and XMLBeans are some of the available choices. The comparisons.. share improve this question JiBX . Previously I used Castor XML but JiBX proved to be significantly better particularly.. performance a straight port of some application code from Castor XML to JiBX made it 9x faster . I also found the mapping format..
Which maven dependencies to include for spring 3.0? XML Mapping OXM abstraction and integration with JAXB JiBX Castor XStream and XML Beans. depends on spring core spring beans spring..
Where I can find a detailed comparison of Java XML frameworks? than provided by either of them. JDOM dom4j XmlBeans JiBX Castor are the ones I know that became popular. share improve this..
Java to XML conversions? and javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller XStream XMLBean JAXB Castor JIBX Apache Digester Now among all the suggested approaches.. Metro JAXB Can leverage Annox or JAXBIntroductions Castor Offers an external binding file JiBX Offers an external binding.. 0.9.1 reference oxm.html Nominees JAXB all implementations Castor XMLBeans JiBX Other Things to Consider Is the tool still being..
Create PDF with Java [duplicate] this question I prefer outputting my data into XML using Castor XStream or JAXB then transforming it using a XSLT stylesheet..
Can Castor handle class generation from multiple XSDs importing from a base XSD? Castor handle class generation from multiple XSDs importing from a.. import the Product.xsd with a `. I would like to use Castor to generate Java classes from theses XSDs and for both of them.. for mapping them to our model's ProductModel class. Can Castor do this If so what would be the Ant task syntax for it. If not..
parse google geocode with xstream interface from implementation adds needless complexity. Castor might be a good tool to consider as well but I haven't used..