java Programming Glossary: carefully
Experience migrating legacy Cobol/PL1 to Java design can be the right approach but you also have to carefully consider the decades of stored knowledge represented by the..
What is the point of getters and setters? [duplicate] of your class since values can be changed. But if you carefully design your class with getters and no setters you keep the immutability..
Is String Literal Pool a collection of references to the String Object, Or a collection of Objects lang String. init Ljava lang String V astore_2 two Look carefully The first object is created the same way as above no surprise...
what does “/” mean in the method 'servletcontext.getRealPath' files in there are doing it wrong. Use getRealPath carefully. There are actually almost no sensible real world use cases..
Netty vs Apache MINA different in practice and you should consider your choice carefully. We were lucky in that we had lots of experience with MINA and..
Which SSO Framework to use? [closed] OpenSSO left off . Also I agree 100 with Christian look carefully do a couple of proofs of concept and choose wisely. Good luck..
What to use? MVC, MVP or MVVM or?? knows what he's talking about. I warmly recommend to read carefully his answer and the material he posted as reference. More specifically..
Why did java have the reputation of being slow? [closed] 300 speed boost vs. standard single threaded C code. Yes carefully written C threading and libraries can beat this but that's a..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? form data requests. It has an excellent User Guide and FAQ carefully go through both . There's also the O'Reilly cos MultipartRequest..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] involving the creation of object. P.S Actually if you carefully look at a few mobile games you'll notice that often fonts are..
Trusting all certificates using HttpClient over HTTPS to end user. Indeed the risk you take should be considered carefully including the effect of hacker's mock site mentioned in the..
What is microbenchmarking? are not evil per se but one has to use them carefully that's true for lots of other things related to computers ..
Difference between a deprecated and a legacy API? code that uses wait and notify . These quotes were not carefully selected they're ALL instances where the word deprecated and..
Convenient way to parse incoming multipart/form-data parameters in a Servlet requests would be using Apache Commons FileUpload . Just carefully read its User Guide and Frequently Asked Questions sections..
JSTL in JSF2 Facelets… makes sense? form values in the model. JSTL tags should be used carefully in Mojarra versions older than 2.1.18. Before this version they..
How does Java's serialization work and when it should be used instead of some other persistence technique?
How good is java.util.Random? period if the periods of the combined generators are carefully chosen add a lag to give a longer period essentially where a..
Java Regex Helper nothing can ever be fixed. It just has to be done very carefully. Here are the things I know of which are already fixed in current..
Any reason to prefer getClass() over instanceof when generating .equals()? method x.equals y y.equals x . If final seems restrictive carefully examine your notion of object equivalence to make sure that..
Synchronization of non-final field