java Programming Glossary: cassandra
Cassandra Client Java API's Client Java API's I have recently started working with Cassandra.. Client Java API's I have recently started working with Cassandra Database. Now I am in the process of evaluating which Cassandra.. Database. Now I am in the process of evaluating which Cassandra client we should go forward with. I have seen various post on..
Java error: Bad version number in .class file error when trying to run Cassandra on OS X Bad version number in .class file error when trying to run Cassandra on OS X I am trying to get Cassandra to work on OS X. When.. when trying to run Cassandra on OS X I am trying to get Cassandra to work on OS X. When I run bin cassandra I get the following..
Cassandra - transaction support transaction support I am going through apache cassandra and.. share improve this question Short answer No. By design Cassandra values availability and partition tolerance over consistency.. CAP theorem. The amount of consistency is configurable in Cassandra using consistency levels but there doesn't exist any semantics..
Keyspace schema import and export in Cassandra one suggest me in detail that how should I do this java cassandra share improve this question You can use sstable2json and.. this question You can use sstable2json and json2sstable cassandra tools Check out Datastax documentation on the same and this.. c column_family json sstable You can always execute cassandra cli commands in file cassandra cli h HOST p PORT f fileName..
Cassandra Client Java API's API's in Java. And which one is looking promising. java cassandra hector astyanax pelops share improve this question Thrift..
Java error: Bad version number in .class file error when trying to run Cassandra on OS X am trying to get Cassandra to work on OS X. When I run bin cassandra I get the following error ~ apache cassandra incubating 0.4.1.. I run bin cassandra I get the following error ~ apache cassandra incubating 0.4.1 src bin cassandra f Listening for transport.. error ~ apache cassandra incubating 0.4.1 src bin cassandra f Listening for transport dt_socket at address 8888 Exception..
Passing parameter to Cassandra CQL query using DataStax client client I am using datastax as a client for connecting to cassandra. I have successfully connected to cassandra cluster keyspace.. connecting to cassandra. I have successfully connected to cassandra cluster keyspace column families through Java. I am trying firing.. families through Java. I am trying firing some queries on cassandra column family thriugh java. For me it is working for simple..
When I do query from solr, it occurred a common exception telling me that undefined field userId developing a web application. I use spring mvc framework cassandra and solr. And I use standalone solr not slor cloud. I use solr..
Cassandra - transaction support transaction support I am going through apache cassandra and working on sample data insertion retrieving etc. The documentation.. we completely replace relation db like mysql oracle with cassandra does cassandra support rollback commit does cassandra clients.. replace relation db like mysql oracle with cassandra does cassandra support rollback commit does cassandra clients thrift hector..