java Programming Glossary: cascadetype.persist
A class that behaves like @Entity and @Embeddable save a Team and a Player ONE WAY RELATIONSHIP by using CascadeType.PERSIST with @Entity in the Player class instead of @Embeddable Remember..
IllegalStateException with Hibernate 4 and ManyToOne cascading Serializable @Id private Integer id @ManyToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE private Component defaultComponent @ManyToOne.. private Component defaultComponent @ManyToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE private Component masterComponent default..
How to annotate MYSQL autoincrement field with JPA annotations FetchType.EAGER targetEntity AuthorityRole.class cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE @JoinTable name operator_authority_role joinColumns.. String name private String description @ManyToMany cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE targetEntity Operator.class mappedBy authorityRoles..
How can I use generated value within composite keys? documentVersion targetEntity DocumentLog.class cascade CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE CascadeType.REFRESH public List DocumentLog..
Hibernate: How use cascade in annotation? have this situation public class Package @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST private Product product @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST.. private Product product @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST private User user .. When I try to package an error.. on this issue. For instance you could use e.g. @Cascade CascadeType.PERSIST private List Object obj or @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.PERSIST..
Hibernate cascades : Object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing public final class Parent extends Base @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.PERSIST fetch FetchType.EAGER private Person person and doing amongst.. reference to get the Java standard SAVE_UPDATE you need CascadeType.PERSIST CascadeType.MERGE in Hibernate. EDIT Seeing the updated info..