java Programming Glossary: caveat
Java Hashmap: How to get key from value? for a value is supported by the getKey method . There is a caveat though bidi maps cannot have multiple values mapped to keys..
How to combine library with my jar? to do it. Personally I used a Maven assembly. There is a caveat any signed libraries that require or desire to take advantage..
Java introspection and reflection grasp of the fundamentals of the language. With that caveat in mind reflection is a powerful technique and can enable applications..
Populating child dropdownlists in JSP/Servlet 'selected' '' option.value option c forEach select Once caveat is however that this will submit the entire form and cause a.. name dd3 option Please select parent option select One caveat is however that this may become unnecessarily lengthy and expensive..
Catching java.lang.OutOfMemoryError? the Error there is at least a chance of cleanup. The caveat is that you have to target the catching of these types of errors..
Character class subtraction, converting from Java syntax to RegexBuddy z except for b and c ad z subtraction The most important caveat of Java regex is that matches attempts to match a pattern against..
Production settings file for log4j? classes . Also beware of AsyncAppender overflow . One caveat is to always constrain root category level to at least INFO..
Guidelines on Exception propagation (in Java) InvalidCustomerException InvalidProductException etc. The caveat here is that your exception hierarchy can explode very quickly..
What are the differences between “generic” types in C++ and Java? can create truly generic functions and classes with the caveat of a looser typing. typename T T sum T a T b return a b The..
How can I make my ArrayAdapter follow the ViewHolder pattern? TextView nameText TextView priceText TextView changeText caveat I didn't try to compile this so take with a grain of salt. ..
Sorted array list in Java ca.odell.glazedlists.SortedList This class comes with the caveat in its javadoc Warning This class breaks the contract required..
How do I use Java to read from a file that is actively being written? a better way but this works for me for now. Oh and I'll caveat this with I'm using 1.4.2. Yes I know I'm in the stone ages..
Calculating difference in dates in Java you should just be able to divide by 86400000... with the caveat that there is an occasional leap second every other year or..
How can I ensure the destruction of a String object in Java?
Virtual Memory Usage from Java under Linux, too much memory used the various memory statistics are telling you. With the caveat that an ever growing RSS may indicate some sort of memory leak...
How can I improve my junit tests with the system itself only your profiler knows for sure caveat i do NOT consider these kinds of tests to be 'integration tests'..
How get the base URL? href http webname Note that the base tag has a caveat it makes all jump anchors in the page like a href #top relative..
Using MessagePack with Android any problems msgpack rpc 0.7.0 works on Android with one caveat. Specifically you need to add the following to onCreate for..
better way for dynamic forms with Spring?
How to throw a checked exception from a java thread? thread exceptions share improve this question Caveat this may not meet your needs if you have to use the exception..
Is there any point in using a volatile long? any point in ever using a volatile long i.e. 64 bit . Caveat Please do not reply saying that using volatile over synchronized..
Java: Parallelizing quick sort via multi-threading thread which avoids an unnecessary thread hop at start up. Caveat Not sure the above implementation will actually be faster as..
overriding or setting web service endpoint at runtime for code generated with wsimport foo 8086 HelloWhatever String response port.sayHello name Caveat I haven't downloaded the tutorial code and tested this code..
What are the differences between PHP and Java? I'm PHP developer who did a tour of Java a while back so Caveat Emptor. Every variable in Java needs to be prepended with a..
Java Regex Helper
Find unused classes in a Java Eclipse project of other tools including Findbugs knows how do do that too Caveat Cid mentions in the comments UCDetector shall not work if there..