java Programming Glossary: caret
Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField? updateBackgroundOnEachUpdate improve the caret behavior see also http 2010 02 21 formatted.. only set the value when valid if validValue int old_caret_position getCaretPosition super.setValue value setCaretPosition.. super.setValue value setCaretPosition Math.min old_caret_position getText .length @Override protected boolean processKeyBinding..
Java - Scroll to specific text inside JTextArea would be greatly appreciating. java swing text jtextarea caret share improve this question This is a VERY basic example...
? ǹ ? ñ á¹?? á¹?á¹?á¹?? ɲ ? á¶?ɳ ȵ --> n or Remove diacritical marks from Unicode chars map between characters with diacritics tilde circumflex caret umlaut caron and their simple character. For example ǹ ñ á¹ á¹..
how would be implements autosugesion in JTextArea swing JTextField will result in Pop up window being shown under caret with AutoSuggestor import java.awt.Color import java.awt.Dimension.. x and y for JWindow on any JTextComponent using the carets position Rectangle rect null try rect textComp.getUI .modelToView.. .modelToView textComp textComp.getCaret .getDot get carets position catch BadLocationException ex ex.printStackTrace..
How to set AUTO-SCROLLING of JTextArea in Java GUI? would be JTextArea textArea new JTextArea DefaultCaret caret DefaultCaret textArea.getCaret caret.setUpdatePolicy DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE.. DefaultCaret caret DefaultCaret textArea.getCaret caret.setUpdatePolicy DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE A more detailed description..
Socket using in a swing applet ta.setLineWrap true ta.setWrapStyleWord true DefaultCaret caret DefaultCaret ta.getCaret caret.setUpdatePolicy DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE.. true DefaultCaret caret DefaultCaret ta.getCaret caret.setUpdatePolicy DefaultCaret.ALWAYS_UPDATE display kind.activity..
IntelliJ IDEA - caret behavior IDEA caret behavior Hi I am trying ti figure out one thing in IntelliJ.. trying ti figure out one thing in IntelliJ IDEA 10 current caret position where caret moves after pressing DOWN arrow where I.. one thing in IntelliJ IDEA 10 current caret position where caret moves after pressing DOWN arrow where I want caret to be Is..
Things possible in Eclipse that aren?™t possible in IntelliJ? [closed] position Semicolon Braces With this just type ahead is the caret position while results no magic yet in while now type true results.. Also in e.g. System.out.println Hello world with the caret anywhere in that line typing a semicolon will automagically..
NetBeans Tips and Tricks [closed] used matching word Ctrl kbd kbd kbd kbd for scroll without caret position change Ctrl P for function parameters tooltip. Applicable..
JFormattedTextField issues to CaretPositionListener Tab or Shift Tab place the caret at the beginning of the field. Click briefly place the caret.. at the beginning of the field. Click briefly place the caret at the beginning of the field and then move it to the click..