java Programming Glossary: caveats
Java vs C#: Are there any studies that compare their execution speed? their execution speed Taking out all of the obvious caveats related to benchmarks and benchmark comparison is there any..
android device id confusion can be used to identify an Android device given the caveats above realistically meaning that it uniquely identifies the.. cards and therefore several phones. It comes with all the caveats for reading the SIM above. This may be retrieved with TelephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber..
Signal handling using “TERM” new Runnable public void run what you want to do with caveats See also Java signal handling and termination java exit signal..
Memory overhead of Java HashMap compared to ArrayList key is an integer. I used a 32bit jdk 1.6. See below for caveats on this figure of 2.5 . The key things to note are a it's not..
Updating TableView row appearance answer to that question provides further information on caveats and subtleties of table row highlighting in JavaFX basically..
Named Parameter idiom in Java .setColor red .setName Fred .setSize 42 .build The main caveats are Setting up the pattern is pretty verbose as you can see..
Size of a byte in memory - Java lot of code Here's a quick benchmark. It's got the normal caveats when it comes to this kind of thing testing memory has oddities..
Java code To convert byte to Hexadecimal uses Integer.toHexString int this is doable but with some caveats. Since the parameter is an int a widening primitive conversion..
java jdbc mysql connector: how to resolve disconnection after a long idle time and Configuration Properties for Connector J and read the caveats. In my experience the best solution is to change the MySQL configuration..
Browser can't access/find relative resources like CSS, images and links when calling a Servlet which forwards to a JSP input type submit form body This has in turn again some caveats. Anchors the #identifier URL's will become relative to the base..
How do you explain C++ pointers to a C#/Java developer? main and die after main exits. There are some technical caveats to that but that is the basics. Automatic Storage Duration objects...
Java GAE DeferredTask example?
Any way to Invoke a private method? true Object r method.invoke object There are a couple of caveats. First getDeclaredMethod will only find method declared in the..
Regex for validating alphabetics and numbers in the localized string blocks. See here a famous answer from tchrist about the caveats of regex in Java including an updated what has changed with..
Why does InetAddress.isReachable return false, when I can ping the IP address? is platform specific. And there may be certain privilege caveats to using this command but I find it works on my machines. PLEASE..