java Programming Glossary: caution
Comparing a char to a code-point? that was not changed when Unicode 2.0 came around and caution is needed when dealing with them. To quote from the Java documentation..
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? members consider turning it into a static class. Use with caution regardless of whether it is in an Activity or not. Activities..
What is the best Java library to use for HTTP POST, GET etc.? method.getResponseBody Deal with the response. Use caution ensure correct character encoding and is not binary data System.out.println..
How to sort Arraylist of objects Comparable and Comparator For completeness I should caution that the return o1.f o2.f comparison by subtraction shortcut.. by subtraction shortcut must be used with extreme caution due to possible overflows read Effective Java 2nd Edition Item..
java read file from network device method.getResponseBody Deal with the response. Use caution ensure correct character encoding and is not binary data System.out.println..
Using reflection to change static final File.separatorChar for unit testing? File.separatorChar prints # Do exercise extreme caution with this technique . Devastating consequences aside the following..
Java: Clear the console code would be Runtime.getRuntime .exec cls Just a word of caution that's going to be system dependent. share improve this answer..