java Programming Glossary: cascadetype.all
JPA JoinColumn vs mappedBy between @Entity public class Company @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL fetch FetchType.LAZY @JoinColumn name companyIdRef referencedColumnName.. ... and @Entity public class Company @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL fetch FetchType.LAZY mappedBy companyIdRef private List Branch..
Hibernate Criteria returns children multiple times with FetchType.EAGER so @OneToMany targetEntity OrderTransaction.class cascade CascadeType.ALL public List OrderTransaction getOrderTransactions return orderTransactions.. OrderTransaction.class fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL public List OrderTransaction getOrderTransactions return orderTransactions..
JPA OneToMany not deleting child @Id @Column name ID private Long id @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL mappedBy parent private Set Child childs new HashSet Child ..... @Id @Column name ID private Long id @ManyToOne cascade CascadeType.ALL @JoinColumn name PARENTID nullable false private Parent parent..
object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing You should include cascade all if using xml or cascade CascadeType.ALL if using annotations on your collection mapping. This happens..
JPA CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans CascadeType.ALL does not delete orphans I am having trouble deleting orphan.. using JPA with the following mapping @OneToMany cascade CascadeType.ALL fetch FetchType.EAGER mappedBy owner private List Bikes bikes.. which can be used in conjunction with JPA CascadeType.ALL . If you don't plan to use Hibernate you'll have to explicitly..
Infinite Recursion with Jackson JSON and Hibernate JPA issue @OneToMany mappedBy trainee fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL @Column nullable true private Set BodyStat bodyStats @OneToMany.. @OneToMany mappedBy trainee fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL @Column nullable true private Set Training trainings @OneToMany.. @OneToMany mappedBy trainee fetch FetchType.EAGER cascade CascadeType.ALL @Column nullable true private Set ExerciseType exerciseTypes..
JPA: How to have one-to-many relation of the same Entity type and ManyToOne annotations. For instance if I set cascade CascadeType.ALL on both of those annotations I could safely persist one of the.. parent 's children property because it is marked with CascadeType.ALL . The JPA implementation finds son and daughter there. It then..
How do I properly cascade save a one-to-one, bidirectional relationship on primary key in Hibernate 3.6 public Long getLeadId return leadId @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.ALL @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn public LeadAffiliate getLeadAffiliate.. @Id @GeneratedValue private Long leadId @OneToOne cascade CascadeType.ALL mappedBy lead private LeadAffiliate leadAffiliate ... . public..
Can someone please explain mappedBy in hibernate? aliasName @OneToMany fetch FetchType.LAZY cascade CascadeType.ALL @JoinColumn name IDAIRLINE public Set AirlineFlight getAirlineFlights.. the @OneToMany . @OneToMany fetch FetchType.LAZY cascade CascadeType.ALL mappedBy airline public Set AirlineFlight getAirlineFlights..