java Programming Glossary: cards
How to add JPanel by clicking JButton? new JLabel Panel 2 Create the panel that contains the cards . final JPanel cards new JPanel new CardLayout cards.add panel1.. 2 Create the panel that contains the cards . final JPanel cards new JPanel new CardLayout cards.add panel1 PANEL1 cards.add.. the cards . final JPanel cards new JPanel new CardLayout cards.add panel1 PANEL1 cards.add panel2 PANEL2 create button to allow..
Creating random numbers with no duplicates elements you need in the end e.g. for shuffling a deck of cards . That doesn't work so well if you want say 10 random elements..
Implementing back/forward buttons in Swing final Random random new Random private static final JPanel cards new JPanel new CardLayout private final String name public CardPanel.. 1 i 9 i CardPanel p new CardPanel Panel String.valueOf i cards.add p p.toString JPanel control new JPanel control.add new.. actionPerformed ActionEvent e CardLayout cl CardLayout cards.getLayout cl.previous cards control.add new JButton new AbstractAction..
Get MAC address on local machine with Java . Bear in mind that a computer can have no network cards especially if it's embedded or virtual. It can also have more.. also have more than one. You can get a list of all network cards with NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces . share improve..
how to change UI depending on combo box selection final Random random new Random private static final JPanel cards new JPanel new CardLayout private static final JComboBox combo.. p new CardPanel Panel String.valueOf i combo.addItem p cards.add p p.toString JPanel control new JPanel combo.addActionListener.. jcb JComboBox e.getSource CardLayout cl CardLayout cards.getLayout cards jcb.getSelectedItem .toString control.add..
How do I simulate a buffered peripheral device with SwingWorker? simulating a card reader. It has a GUI allowing us to load cards into the hopper and press Start and so forth but its main client.. is the CPU running on a separate thread and requesting cards. The card reader maintains a single buffer. If a card request.. request. If not only the buffer is empty but there are no cards in the hopper then we must wait until the operator has placed..
How to Change java Cardlayout from another separate class javax.swing.WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE jPanel1.setName Cards jPanel1.setLayout new java.awt.CardLayout jPanel2.setName card2..
Images will not work in a .jar file loading images is ImageIcon placeHolder new ImageIcon src Cards hidden.png We have no idea why this is happening. The application.. imageStream getClassLoader .getResourceAsStream src Cards hidden.png buffer 0 IMAGE_MAX_SIZE ImageIcon..
Why is paint()/paintComponent() never called? new String count for int i 0 i count i fileNames i Cards File.separator i 1 .bmp return fileNames java swing awt paint..
Casting between ArrayLists in Java than I thought. So I have two families of classes. Cards and Zones. Zones are boxes for holding card. The first two subClasses.. and ZoneMap are meant to be two different ways of storing Cards. Further subclasses such as Hand and PokerHand have their own..
Why do we need immutable class? look up the proper motor oil for a given vehicle. Playing Cards Ever write a playing card program I did. I could have represented..