

c++ Programming Glossary: thunk

Pointers to virtual member functions. How does it work?


is implemented as a struct containing a pointer to a thunk function which makes the virtual call. share improve this answer..

Using v-table thunks to chain procedure calls


v table thunks to chain procedure calls I was reading some articles on net.. calls I was reading some articles on net regarding Vtable thunks and I read somewhere that thunks can be used to hook chain.. on net regarding Vtable thunks and I read somewhere that thunks can be used to hook chain procedures calls. Is it achievable..

Best method for storing this pointer for use in WndProc


the first message to be sent to a window. Edit ATL uses a thunk for accessing the this pointer. MFC uses a hashtable lookup..

'Safe' DLL Injection


has no IAT for shell32.dll it has a header but the thunk is full of junk values so there's no way as far as I can tell..

What is a 'thunk'?


is a 'thunk' I've seen it used in programming specifically in the C domain.. but I could be wrong. Can anyone give a good example of a thunk c thunk share improve this question The word thunk has.. be wrong. Can anyone give a good example of a thunk c thunk share improve this question The word thunk has at least..

Why do we need “this pointer adjustor thunk”?


do we need &ldquo this pointer adjustor thunk&rdquo I read about adjustor thunk from here . Here's some quotation.. this pointer adjustor thunk&rdquo I read about adjustor thunk from here . Here's some quotation Now there is only one QueryInterface.. interface pointer is q not p. This is where the adjustor thunks come in. I am wondering why each function in a vtable receives..

Why are type_traits implemented with specialized template structs instead of constexpr?


static_assert std is_void void void is void who would have thunk For transformation traits you can use a template alias to obtain..

Delphi problems converting VirtualProtect EAT hook routines from C to Delphi


0 ImportDirectory i .Characteristics i PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA thunk ByteOffset IMAGE_THUNK_DATA hModule ImportDirectory i .FirstThunk.. i .OriginalFirstThunk for origThunk u1.Function origThunk thunk if thunk u1.Function DWORD old_function DWORD oldProtection.. for origThunk u1.Function origThunk thunk if thunk u1.Function DWORD old_function DWORD oldProtection if VirtualProtect..