

c++ Programming Glossary: time.h

What's the Right Way to use the rand() Function in C++?


Why is transposing a matrix of 512x512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513x513?


the code #define SAMPLES 1000 #define MATSIZE 512 #include time.h #include iostream int mat MATSIZE MATSIZE void transpose for..

Issue when scheduling tasks using clock() function


functional #include queue #include chrono #include sys time.h for `time_t` and `struct timeval` namespace events struct event..

How to compare two time stamp in format “Month Date hh:mm:ss” to check +ve or -ve value


Below Is my example program #include stdio.h #include time.h int main void time_t t1 t2 struct tm timeptr tm1 tm2 char time1..

Converting epoch time to “real” date/time


gmtime.c v 1.4 91 04 22 13 20 27 ceriel Exp #include time.h #include limits.h #include loc_time.h struct tm gmtime register.. ceriel Exp #include time.h #include limits.h #include loc_time.h struct tm gmtime register const time_t timer static struct tm..

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++


linux. #ifdef WIN32 #include Windows.h #else #include sys time.h #include ctime #endif Returns the amount of milliseconds elapsed..

mixing cout and printf for faster output


did what. #include iostream #include sstream #include time.h #include iomanip #include algorithm #include iterator #include..

The C `clock()` function just returns a zero


a good way to measure time with good precision #include time.h #include stdio.h int main clock_t start end double cpu_time_used..

Floating point vs integer calculations on modern hardware


#include iostream #include cmath #include cstdlib #include time.h int main int argc char argv int accum 0 srand time NULL for.. #include iostream #include cmath #include cstdlib #include time.h int main int argc char argv float accum 0 srand time NULL for..

C++ Timer function to provide time in nano seconds


Linux and BSD you want to use clock_gettime . #include sys time.h int main timespec ts clock_gettime CLOCK_MONOTONIC ts Works..

Time difference in C++


time difference in C in miliseconds I used difftime time.h but it doesn't have enough precision for what I'm trying to.. enough precision for what I'm trying to measure. c time time.h share improve this question You have to use one of the more.. but you can do it manually fairly easily #include time.h int diff_ms timeval t1 timeval t2 return t1.tv_sec t2.tv_sec..

Convert a string to a date in C++


c string date share improve this question #include time.h char strptime const char buf const char format struct tm tm..

OpenCV: process every frame


operations at pixel level. #include stdio.h #include time.h #include cv.h #include highgui.h typedef IplImage callback_prototype..

How to get IOStream to perform better?


iomanip #include cmath #include cstdio #include sys time.h template typename Func double benchmark Func f size_t iterations..

Program is generating same random numbers on each run?


code main.cpp #include iostream #include cstdlib #include time.h #include string #include Minesweeper box.h #include cstdio int..

how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle


stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include math.h #include sys time.h double stoptime void struct timeval t gettimeofday t NULL return..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


just use fgets instead. C code #include iostream #include time.h using namespace std int main string input_line long line_count..