

c++ Programming Glossary: timestamp

Deterministic builds under Windows


hard to do. So far I found and neutralized those things PE timestamp and checksum Digital signature directory entry Debugger section.. Digital signature directory entry Debugger section timestamp PDB signature age and file path Resources timestamp All file.. timestamp PDB signature age and file path Resources timestamp All file product versions in VS_VERSION_INFO resource Digital..

C++ build systems


the preprocessed file in a sqlite db instead of using the timestamp even though you decide of your strategy in the end. It also..

Using macro in Objective-C to log function name and line number


debug method call prints a msg in XCode console like this timestamp MyViewController tableView numberOfRowsInSection line 107 something.. numberOfRowsInSection line 107 something for testing ... timestamp MyViewController tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath line 124 something..

xutility file?


persistDuration 10 faces can drop out for 10 frames int timestamp 0 float sameFaceDistThreshold 30 pixel distance CvPoint facePositions.. for int i 0 i posBuffer i if facePositionsTimestamp i timestamp persistDuration if a tracked pos is older than three frames.. facePositions i center facePositionsTimestamp i timestamp newFace false break if newFace push out oldest tracker for..

Q_OBJECT throwing 'undefined reference to vtable' error [duplicate]


insignificant changes to the project file to update its timestamp like adding and then removing some white space. share improve..

MJPEG streaming and decoding


launch v souphttpsrc location http ip port dir xxx.cgi do timestamp true is_live true multipartdemux jpegdec ffmpegcolorspace autovideosink.. launch souphttpsrc location http ip port dir xxx.cgi do timestamp true is_live true multipartdemux jpegdec videoflip method vertical.. v souphttpsrc location http ip cgi_bin mjpeg .cgi do timestamp true is_live true multipartdemux jpegdec queue videoscale 'video..

How to realise long-term high-resolution timing on windows using C++?


resolution timing on windows using C I need to get exact timestamps every couple of ms 20 30 40ms over a long period of time a.. of time a couple of hours . The function in which the timestamp is taken is invoked as a callback by a 3rd party library. Using.. Using GetSystemTime one can get the correct system timestamp but only with milliseconds accuracy which is not precise enough..

Windows 7 timing functions - How to use GetSystemTimeAdjustment correctly?


ts1.LowPart timeStamp1.dwLowDateTime std cout Timestamp std setprecision 20 double ts1.QuadPart start.QuadPart 10000000.. of this increment. However I get results like this Timestamp 0 Timestamp 0.0025000000000000001 Timestamp 0.0074999999999999997.. increment. However I get results like this Timestamp 0 Timestamp 0.0025000000000000001 Timestamp 0.0074999999999999997 Timestamp..