

c++ Programming Glossary: timeout

Can I create a software watchdog timer thread in C++ using Boost Signals2 and Threads?


this question You can call Foo on a second thread with a timeout. For example #include boost date_time.hpp #include boost thread.. boost thread thread.hpp boost posix_time time_duration timeout boost posix_time milliseconds 500 boost thread thrd Foo if thrd.timed_join..

Cancel async_read due to timeout


async_read due to timeout I'm trying to write a wrapper synchronous method around async_read.. array boost uint8_t 128 _data boost mutex _mutex bool _timeout_triggered bool _message_received boost system error_code _error.. error_code error size_t bytes_transferred void handle_timeout const boost system error_code error size_t async_read_helper..

Waitpid equivalent with timeout?


equivalent with timeout Imagine I have a process that starts several child processes... bit. What I'd really like to do is use waitpid on some timeout say 5 sec. Since exiting the process isn't a time critical operation..

How to set a timeout on blocking sockets in boost asio?


to set a timeout on blocking sockets in boost asio Is there a way to cancel.. to cancel a pending operation without disconnect or set a timeout for the boost library functions I.e. I want to set a timeout.. for the boost library functions I.e. I want to set a timeout on blocking socket in boost asio socket.read_some boost asio..

posix timer_create() function causing memory leak on linux


function for timer functionality in my application. When timeout happens a new thread gets created. That time my application's.. to know how long will the thread that gets created when timeout happens be alive c share improve this question Valgrind..

Some clarification needed about synchronous versus asynchronous asio operations


concepts. The parking meter example explaining how timeouts work is particularly interesting as is the bind illustrated.. and cancel ability. There are platform specific ways to timeout a long running operation ex SO_RCVTIMEO and SO_SNDTIMEO . Using..

How to emit cross-thread signal in Qt?


will never been launched your two calls to wait will only timeout after a very long time and you'll probably kill your application..

Cancel async_read due to timeout


as the error. timer.cancel else if _timeout_triggered Timeout occured so cancel the socket. This will force the completion..

Is there a way to cancel/detach a future in C++11?


future_status ready cout Success result.get n else cout Timeout n This is supposed to wait 1 second print Timeout and exit... cout Timeout n This is supposed to wait 1 second print Timeout and exit. Instead of exiting it waits an additional 9 seconds..

Select Timeout error in Ubuntu - Opencv


Timeout error in Ubuntu Opencv I am trying to set OpenCv up for my..

C++ Functions According to TCP


correspond to at least 100 seconds. p RTO Retransmission Timeout typically starts at 3 seconds so for R1 it might be after about..

Why use Precompiled Headers (C/C++)?


#include logger.h Console parser #include consoleParser.h Timeout handler #include timeoutThread.h Zip library #include zip.h..

Socket Timeout in C++ Linux


Timeout in C Linux Ok first of all I like to mention what im doing..