

c++ Programming Glossary: ft

Can I make vim do syntax highlighting on C++ headers that don't have extensions?


Put this at the top or bottom of the file vim setlocal ft cpp EDIT More details prompted by the comments It will only.. to set options for the buffer the file is loaded in. The ft option also known as filetype is what determines the syntax.. pattern au BufRead if search 'MagicPattern' 'nw' setlocal ft cpp endif Meaning Every time you open a file check if MagicPattern..

Programmatically compute the start time of a process on Windows


gettimeofday struct timeval tv struct timezone tz FILETIME ft unsigned __int64 tmpres 0 static int tzflag if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime.. 0 static int tzflag if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft I'm lost at this point tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32 tmpres.. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft I'm lost at this point tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32 tmpres ft.dwLowDateTime converting..

why is microsecond timestamp is repetetive using (a private) gettimeoftheday() i.e. epoch


timestamp is repetetive using a private gettimeoftheday i.e. epoch I am printing microseconds continuously using.. gettimeofday struct timeval tv struct timezone tz FILETIME ft unsigned __int64 tmpres 0 static int tzflag if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime.. 0 static int tzflag if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32 tmpres ft.dwLowDateTime converting..

How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++


and linux. int64 GetTimeMs64 #ifdef WIN32 Windows FILETIME ft LARGE_INTEGER li Get the amount of 100 nano seconds intervals.. it to a LARGE_INTEGER structure. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft li.LowPart ft.dwLowDateTime li.HighPart ft.dwHighDateTime uint64.. structure. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft li.LowPart ft.dwLowDateTime li.HighPart ft.dwHighDateTime uint64 ret li.QuadPart..

Pointers in C# to Retrieve Reference From DllImport Function


structures FeeCalculation buff char fans char fl char ft char fw char fi char fe char fm char val char cpn Now how do..

how to solve unhandled exception error when using visual C++ 2008?


gettimeofday struct timeval tv struct timezone tz FILETIME ft unsigned __int64 tmpres 0 static int tzflag 0 if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime.. 0 static int tzflag 0 if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32 tmpres ft.dwLowDateTime tmpres.. int tzflag 0 if NULL tv GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ft tmpres ft.dwHighDateTime tmpres 32 tmpres ft.dwLowDateTime tmpres 10 convert..

C++ - statement cannot resolve address for overloaded function


f int void f double void g int template typename T void ft T int main f ambiguous g unambiguous ft function template of.. typename T void ft T int main f ambiguous g unambiguous ft function template of unknown type... But you can resolve the.. void int f selects the right f explicitly void int ft selects the right ft explicitly That's what happens normally..

C++ When should we prefer to use a two chained static_cast over reinterpret_cast


C-callback to function template: explicitly instantiate template


typename T void my_callback void data int main int ft 42 register_callback reinterpret_cast void my_callback int ft.. 42 register_callback reinterpret_cast void my_callback int ft invoke_callback This gives me the following linker error using.. void my_callback T value Other things int main int ft 42 do_register_callback ft invoke_callback Second œsolution h2..