c++ Programming Glossary: frustum
Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16723674/skewed-frustum-off-axis-projection-for-head-tracking-in-opengl frustum off axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL I am trying.. headX near vertFov headY near vertFov headY near far frustum changes as per the position of headX and headY glMatrixMode.. headZ headY headZ 1 glTranslate 0 0 headZ For a symmetric frustum in the above case where headX and headY is zero the left right..
Culling techniques for rendering lots of cubes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3693407/culling-techniques-for-rendering-lots-of-cubes cubes stacked on the Y so you can dig down. Although I do frustum culling this still means that I uselessly draw all the layers.. only add pointers to cubes around the player. I then do frustum culling against these. I do not do oct tree subdivision. I thought.. i PlayerPosition.y j PlayerPosition.z k if tmp 0 if frustum.sphereInFrustum tmp center 25 NULL collids.push_back tmp..