c++ Programming Glossary: fstack
When and how to use GCC's stack protection feature? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1629685/when-and-how-to-use-gccs-stack-protection-feature will not be protected against stack smashing even though fstack protector is enabled. GCC emits some warnings when building.. unless I stop using Wstack protector . 1 When should fstack protector be used as in for instance all the time during dev.. during dev or just when tracking bugs down 2 When should fstack protector all be used 3 What is Wstack protector telling me..
May compiler optimizations be inhibited by multi-threading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16807766/may-compiler-optimizations-be-inhibited-by-multi-threading passed v a.c D_FORTIFY_SOURCE 2 mtune generic march i486 fstack protector options enabled falign loops fargument alias fauto.. stalled insns dep fsigned zeros fsplit ivs in unroller fstack protector ftrapping math ftree cselim ftree loop im ftree loop.. a.c D_FORTIFY_SOURCE 2 mtune generic march i486 fopenmp fstack protector options enabled falign loops fargument alias fauto..
Flags to enable thorough and verbose g++ warnings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5088460/flags-to-enable-thorough-and-verbose-g-warnings . Wstack protector is not used because I do not use fstack protector Wstrict aliasing 3 is turned on by Wall and is the..
Audio output with video processing with opencv http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8187745/audio-output-with-video-processing-with-opencv