c++ Programming Glossary: fstr
Why does my program crash when using fread in the constructor? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15136992/why-does-my-program-crash-when-using-fread-in-the-constructor looks like this Test memset myarray 0 sizeof myarray FILE fstr fopen myfile.dat rb size_t success fread myarray sizeof myarray.. rb size_t success fread myarray sizeof myarray 1 fstr fclose fstr Using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate When trying to.. size_t success fread myarray sizeof myarray 1 fstr fclose fstr Using Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate When trying to start a program..
How to implement “ char * ftoa(float num) ” without sprintf() library function in C, C++ and JAVA? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2302969/how-to-implement-char-ftoafloat-num-without-sprintf-library-function-i help give you a good understanding of how to do it. char fstr 80 float num 2.55f int m log10 num int digit float tolerance.. weight pow 10.0f m digit floor num weight num digit weight fstr '0' digit if m 0 fstr '.' m fstr ' 0' share improve this answer..