c++ Programming Glossary: fsm
Inner class accessing outer class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11405069/inner-class-accessing-outer-class a satisfying answer. Let's say I have a structure called FSM . Eventually in my code multiple instances of FSM can be created... called FSM . Eventually in my code multiple instances of FSM can be created. One of FSM 's attributes is int X which is not.. my code multiple instances of FSM can be created. One of FSM 's attributes is int X which is not static every instance of..
Exception vs. error-code vs. assert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388335/exception-vs-error-code-vs-assert invalid report no. invalid state the report_generator is a FSM no device is active error during report generation Which error..
C state-machine design http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1647631/c-state-machine-design where necessary. This isn't as bad as it sounds since the FSM is usually locked up inside a single compilation unit and all.. TRANS_COUNT sizeof trans sizeof trans The workings of the FSM then become a relatively simple loop state ST_INIT while state.. end of the transitions array you get an error stating your FSM hasn't been built correctly. I've used code similar for this..
Finite State Machine parser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3085070/finite-state-machine-parser I would like to parse a self designed file format with a FSM like parser in C this is a teach myself c the hard way by doing.. files signifying the end of the list. So I thought that a FSM would be simple extensible enough for my needs knowledge. As.. a parser generator such as Bison. If you add a stack to an FSM then you're getting into pushdown automaton territory. A nondeterministic..