

c# Programming Glossary: reliability

Directly sending keystrokes to another process via hooking


and PostMessage for keyUp worked for all functions but the reliability rate dropped dramatically as well as adding latency into key.. basically in the same fashion as SendMessage as far as reliability goes . So essentially I'm at whit's end and I wanted to know..

Why does one use dependency injection? [closed]


to have new Logger over and over again. So you put the reliability to create new instances to a single central factory class and..

C# WebBrowser Control - Form Submit Not Working using InvokeMember(“Click”)


Asynchronous code is used to improve the automation logic reliability add support timeouts and cancellation and promote natural linear..

FileSystemWatcher vs polling to watch for file changes


in the past but not extensively. What issues performance reliability etc. are there with either method c# filesystemwatcher share..

How to implement ConcurrentHashSet in .Net


What kind of technologies are available for sending text messages?


arrives . SMS Aggregators For larger volume and good reliability you will want to go with an SMS aggregator. These aggregators..

C# driver development?


kernel without a lot of hackery Can anyone speak to the reliability and safety of running a C# program closer to Ring 0 than would..

Memcached on Windows (x64)


C experience level that it would provide Enterprise Level reliability in such a crucial component of large scalable solutions. I think..