

c# Programming Glossary: rel

What should be the correct response from web service to display the Jquery token input results?


utf 8 link href .. Styles jquery ui 1.8.20.custom.css rel stylesheet type text css link href .. Styles token input.css.. type text css link href .. Styles token input.css rel stylesheet type text css link href .. Styles token input facebook.css.. type text css link href .. Styles token input facebook.css rel stylesheet type text css script src Scripts Lib jquery 1.7.2.min.js..

{"<user xmlns=''> was not expected.} Deserializing Twitter XML


lt a href quot http code.google.com p wittytwitter quot rel quot nofollow quot gt Witty lt a gt source truncated false truncated..

force browsers to get latest js and css files in asp.net application


javascript script link href styles mystyle.css v version rel stylesheet type text css So if you set the version 1.1 from..

Get all links on html page?


on the page based inside a tag and in quotes i.e. ... link rel 'shortcut icon' href static favicon.ico type image x icon .....

Adding StyleSheets Programmatically in Asp.Net


new HtmlLink css.Href css fancyforms.css css.Attributes rel stylesheet css.Attributes type text css css.Attributes media.. Resources Styles MainMaster MainDesign.css @ type text css rel stylesheet cssFiles.Add new Literal Text @ link href ResolveUrl.. Resources Styles MainMaster MainLayout.css @ type text css rel stylesheet AddStyleRange cssFiles private void AddStyleRange..

Split string containing command-line parameters into string[] in C#


command line string to args using commandlinetoargvw api rel nofollow Converting Command Line String to Args using CommandLineToArgvW..

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method


run the page in IE. Any ideas why this is happening link rel stylesheet href css jquery.jgrowl.css type text css style type.. 280px height 55px overflow hidden style if lt IE 7 link rel stylesheet href css jquery.jgrowl.ie6.css type text css endif..

asp.net: Invalid postback or callback argument


script link href .. niceforms niceforms default.css rel stylesheet type text css script src .. niceforms niceforms.js.. javascript script link href .. jquery ui 1.8.16.custom.css rel stylesheet type text css style type text css .list problems..

ASP.NET MVC3 jQuery mobile page's Ajax code binding using PageInit event


content width device width meta charset utf 8 link rel stylesheet href http code.jquery.com mobile 1.0rc1 jquery.mobile.. script link href @Url.Content ~ Content Site.css rel stylesheet type text css script type text javascript document..

“The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks”


runat server title My Page title link href css common.css rel stylesheet type text css script type text javascript src # ResolveUrl..

Inline code in head tag asp.net


in a head tag of master page which has runatserver link rel Stylesheet type text css href ' Config.ResourcesDomain images.. This is not working as it produces this kind of html link rel Stylesheet type text css href lt Config.ResourcesDomain images..