

c# Programming Glossary: relevant

How to get difference between two dates in Year/Month/Week/Day?


month earlier than that Even further confusion may not be relevant even a day isn't always 24 hours. Daylight saving anyone Even.. saving anyone Even further confusion almost certainly not relevant even a minute isn't always 60 seconds. Leap seconds are highly..

JavaScriptSerializer.Deserialize - how to change field names


no effect. I don't know where I got the idea they were relevant at all they probably aren't. How do you do field name mapping..

When to use ref vs out


the declaration or the call whether the initial value is relevant and potentially preserved or thrown away. As a minor difference.. because it looks like the initial values of a and b are relevant though the method name would indicate they are not . Example..

How to create and connect custom user buttons/controls with lines using windows forms


no functionality but it's just a matter of creating the relevant properties and Commands in the Node class and bind them to that...

C# catch a stack overflow exception


way Can I catch handle properly the exception NB if relevant the exception is not thrown in the main thread the object where..

How to stop BackgroundWorker on Form's Closing event?


getting the exception or the deadlock Following are 3 relevant methods of the simple Form1 class public Form1 InitializeComponent..

Getting the size of a field in bytes with C#


Just to clarify what I mean about padding being relevant consider these two classes class FourBytes byte a b c d class..

How do I build a JSON object to send to an AJAX WebService?


way. Here's what the code for the web service method and relevant classes looks like in C# WebMethod public Response ValidateAddress..

What are major differences between C# and Java?


you'll know what I mean. Please add others you think are relevant. Update Just popped up my mind Java doesn't have something like..

delegate keyword vs. lambda notation [duplicate]


question Short answer no. Longer answer that may not be relevant If you assign the lambda to a delegate type such as Func or..

What is the yield keyword used for in C#?


of one thread yielding to another but that doesn't seem relevant here. c# yield share improve this question The yield keyword..

DateTime vs DateTimeOffset


in the offset alone to ensure that the new offset is still relevant for the user. You must also store a timezone identifier think..

Why doesn't .NET/C# optimize for tail-call recursion?


language specific compiler must know how to generate the relevant opcode and the JIT must be willing to respect it. F#'s fsc will.. must be willing to respect it. F#'s fsc will generate the relevant opcodes though for a simple recursion it may just convert the..

Calling null on a class vs Dispose()


to call a new virtual Dispose bool method etc is only relevant when your class is designed for inheritance. This has been a..

Parameterized Query for MySQL with C#


I have the code below I've included what I believe are all relevant sections private String readCommand SELECT LEVEL FROM USERS..

How is Math.Pow() implemented in .Net Framework?


is located in clr src vm ecall.cpp. The section that's relevant to Math.Pow looks like this FCFuncStart gMathFuncs FCIntrinsic..