

c# Programming Glossary: relationships

Excel interop: _Worksheet or Worksheet?


library is automatically translated into metadata those relationships are sadly preserved. It would have been nicer to have a hand..

C# : Why doesn't 'ref' and 'out' support polymorphism?


Giraffe Turtle and Tiger with the obvious subclassing relationships. Now suppose you have a method void M ref Mammal m . M can both..

Why does C# not provide the C++ style 'friend' keyword?


or less considered dirty and easy to abuse. It breaks the relationships between classes and undermines some fundamental attributes of..

Is there a better alternative than this to 'switch on type'?


which I gather wasn't added as a special case because is a relationships mean that more than one distinct case might apply is there a..

How to declare one to one relationship using Entity Framework 4 Code First (POCO)


http stackoverflow.com questions 2089395 one to one relationships in entity framework 4 v2 with poco but the article that the..

Entity Framework 4 - AddObject vs Attach


table. Furthermore using the Attach method you can define relationships between entities that already exist in the ObjectContext but..

EF4 Code First: how to add a relationship without adding a navigation property


without adding a navigation property How should I define relationships using Code First but without using any navigation properties.. in both ends of the relationship. And the appropriate relationships are created in the database. here's a stripped down version.. of how the classes look like I've converted the Many Many relationships to one many for simplicity . public class User public string..

Could not establish trust relationship for SSL/TLS secure channel — SOAP


is unique to this install If so where do I set up trust relationships I'm lost c# .net ssl trust share improve this question ..

Create code first, many to many, with additional fields in association table


you will have to create actually two one to many relationships. It could look like this public class Member public int MemberID.. Just for fun a few examples more how to add entities and relationships and how to delete them in this model 1 Create one member and.. member1 context.SaveChanges This deletes the relationships in MemberComments too because the one to many relationships..

ServiceStack.Net Redis: Storing Related Objects vs. Related Object Ids


access to distributed comp sci data structures. How relationships get stored is ultimately up to the client driver i.e. ServiceStack.. and store your data. Think how you would structure relationships in code So the best way to think about how to store stuff in.. 2 entities. As you've noticed there are many ways to store relationships between entities and how you do so is largely a matter of preference...