

c# Programming Glossary: releasedc

How to get screenshot to include the invoking window (on XP)


hDest hOldBmp DeleteObject hBmp DeleteDC hDest ReleaseDC hDesk hSrce bmp.Save @ c temp test.png bmp.Dispose P Invoke.. rop DllImport user32.dll static extern bool ReleaseDC IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hDc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern IntPtr..

What's the best way to enter numbers in Windows Mobile? (.NET CF 3.5)


MessageWindow.SendMessage ref msg Free resources ReleaseDC hWnd hDC private static void SetKeyboardToNumeric Find the.. MessageWindow.SendMessage ref msg Free resources ReleaseDC hWnd hDC DllImport coredll.dll private extern static bool SipShowIM.. hWnd DllImport coredll.dll private extern static void ReleaseDC IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hDC DllImport coredll.dll private static..

How to draw directly on the Windows desktop, C#?


GetDC IntPtr hwnd DllImport User32.dll static extern void ReleaseDC IntPtr dc static void Main string args IntPtr desktop GetDC..

Saving a screenshot of a window using C#, WPF, and DWM


hdcDest hOld Gdi32.DeleteDC hdcDest User32.ReleaseDC handle hdcSrc Image image Image.FromHbitmap hBitmap Gdi32.DeleteObject.. RECT rect DllImport user32.dll public static extern IntPtr ReleaseDC IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hDC The constants used public const int SRCCOPY..

WebBrowser.DrawToBitmap() or other methods?


hdcDest hOld Gdi32.DeleteDC hdcDest User32.ReleaseDC handle hdcSrc Image image Image.FromHbitmap hBitmap Gdi32.DeleteObject.. RECT rect DllImport user32.dll public static extern IntPtr ReleaseDC IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hDC The constants used public const int SRCCOPY..

How to add an extra button to the window's title bar?


user32.dll SetLastError true public static extern int ReleaseDC IntPtr hwnd IntPtr hdc DllImport user32.dll SetLastError true.. Brushes.Red new Rectangle Width 20 2 8 20 20 int r ReleaseDC m.HWnd hdc break Btw. I called DisableProcessWindowsGhosting..

Capture screenshot Including Semitransparent windows in .NET


hDest hOldBmp DeleteObject hBmp DeleteDC hDest ReleaseDC hDesk hSrce bmp.Save @ c temp test.png bmp.Dispose P Invoke.. rop DllImport user32.dll static extern bool ReleaseDC IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hDc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern IntPtr..

Draw / Paint Outside Form


IntPtr hwnd DllImport User32.dll public static extern void ReleaseDC IntPtr dc IntPtr desktopPtr GetDC IntPtr.Zero Graphics g Graphics.FromHdc..

How to take a screenshot of a Full Size window in C#


hdcDest hOld clean up GDI32.DeleteDC hdcDest User32.ReleaseDC handle hdcSrc get a .NET image object for it Image img Image.FromHbitmap.. hWnd DllImport user32.dll public static extern IntPtr ReleaseDC IntPtr hWnd IntPtr hDC DllImport user32.dll public static extern..

How do I get the colour of a pixel at X,Y using c#?


GetDC IntPtr hwnd DllImport user32.dll static extern Int32 ReleaseDC IntPtr hwnd IntPtr hdc DllImport gdi32.dll static extern uint.. IntPtr hdc GetDC IntPtr.Zero uint pixel GetPixel hdc x y ReleaseDC IntPtr.Zero hdc Color color Color.FromArgb int pixel 0x000000FF..