

c# Programming Glossary: relation

Get all associate/composite objects inside an object (in Abstract way)


table then a PaymentComponent table with a foreign key relation back to the Payment table. You can then implement inheritance..

Interface or abstract class?


classes simplified class MyObject string name get set enum relation get set int value get set class MyObjectGroup string name get.. value get set class MyObjectGroup string name get set enum relation get set int value get set List MyObject myobjects get set Later..

How to find the minimum covariant type for best fit between two types?


in the model of following Diagram Note the implementing relation of interfaces such as IList int implements ICollection int are.. FindInterfaceWith like above because of the possibility of relations like IAlpha and IBravo . I've had the code tested with the..

Really impossible to use return type overloading?


of method overloading float AddNumbers int int has no relation to int AddNumbers int int whatsoever as far as IL is concerned...

Too Many Left Outer Joins in Entity Framework 4?


extra outer join below . And if I add on a second 0 or 1 relation ship and order by both then I get 4 outer joins. It seems like..

Properties vs. Fields: Need help grasping the uses of Properties over Fields


of thumb when it comes to good programming methods in relation to when to use what Thanks and sorry for the long post I didn't..

Join and Include in Entity Framework


The problem is that it doesn't seem to load the Tags relation even though i have included a thing for it. It works fine if..

c# covariant return types utilizing generics


which preserves the existence and direction of some other relation . For example the mapping from a type T to a type IEnumerable.. because it preserves the assignment compatibility relation. If Tiger is assignment compatible with Animal then the transformation..

Entity Framework 4 Delete Object from entity collection


entity collection I have a Request Entity with an 1.. relationship to the RequestProperty Entity. So there's a collection of.. there must be another way to empty a collection of a relationship. Thank you for your thoughts. c# entity framework 4 share.. modeled your entities. If you are using common independent relation or foreign key relation you will have to use your current approach..

Does any one know of a faster method to do String.Split()?


like this fast CSV reader . By the way while this is in relation to Java it concerns the performance of regular expressions in..

What does principal end of an association means in 1:1 relationship in Entity framework


does principal end of an association means in 1 1 relationship in Entity framework public class Foo public string FooId.. association must be explicitly configured using either the relationship fluent API or data annotations. i have seen questions on.. end means c# entity framework database design foreign key relationship share improve this question In one to one relation one..

Do you say No to C# Regions? [closed]


I believe that it is much more useful to group members by relationship or functionality rather than simply their type. For example.. sometimes more helpful to group things by some functional relation instead. But as I said this last group is largely up to preference..