c# Programming Glossary: relational
Data modeling for Same tables with same columns http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12117861/data-modeling-for-same-tables-with-same-columns from referencing the wrong kind of lookup data. 1 I wish relational DBMSes supported inheritance where you could define the basic..
OR-ing bytes in C# gives int [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1214629/or-ing-bytes-in-c-sharp-gives-int both operands to a common type which in case of the non relational operators also becomes the result type of the operation. Binary..
Code for decoding/encoding a modified base64 URL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1228701/code-for-decoding-encoding-a-modified-base64-url value leaving the same encoded form intact for use in relational databases web forms and object identifiers in general. Using..
Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/194147/are-there-good-reasons-not-to-use-an-orm try to push in my opinion which is that using an object relational mapper to the database can ease development quite a lot. The..
Fill a Recursive Data Structure from a Self-Referential Database Table http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1976325/fill-a-recursive-data-structure-from-a-self-referential-database-table the hierachy in SQL using CTEs. LINQ2SQL and hierachical relational data don't mix too nicely. See Hierarchical data in Linq options..
Convert XSD into SQL relational tables http://stackoverflow.com/questions/403420/convert-xsd-into-sql-relational-tables XSD into SQL relational tables Is there something available that could help me convert.. available that could help me convert a XSD into SQL relational tables The XSD is rather big in my world anyway and I could..
How can I get a list of users from active directory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5162897/how-can-i-get-a-list-of-users-from-active-directory SomeDirectory DC yourdomain DC com . Like a tranditional relational database you can run query against a LDAP server. It's called..
Entity Framework with XML Files [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/608477/entity-framework-with-xml-files itself is provider based and is designed to operate over a relational database. If you really wanted to you could write your own provider..
What is a good choice of database for a small .NET application? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6749556/what-is-a-good-choice-of-database-for-a-small-net-application are other embedded local databases out there some are relational others are object oriented Embedded Firebird db4o VistaDb SharpHSQL..
Scrabble word finder with wildcards http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7418910/scrabble-word-finder-with-wildcards a dictionary from user letter input You don't. A relational database table is not a suitable data structure for solving..
Overriding GetHashCode for mutable objects? [C#] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/873654/overriding-gethashcode-for-mutable-objects-c have no immutable fields unless they're stored in a relational database to identify them with their primary keys. c# .net..
What is the point of creating foreign key properties when using Entity Framework Code First? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9253234/what-is-the-point-of-creating-foreign-key-properties-when-using-entity-framework no need for foreign key properties and they are somehow a relational artifact in the object world. You can define relationships completely..