

c# Programming Glossary: relational

Data modeling for Same tables with same columns


from referencing the wrong kind of lookup data. 1 I wish relational DBMSes supported inheritance where you could define the basic..

OR-ing bytes in C# gives int [duplicate]


both operands to a common type which in case of the non relational operators also becomes the result type of the operation. Binary..

Code for decoding/encoding a modified base64 URL


value leaving the same encoded form intact for use in relational databases web forms and object identifiers in general. Using..

Are there good reasons not to use an ORM? [closed]


try to push in my opinion which is that using an object relational mapper to the database can ease development quite a lot. The..

Fill a Recursive Data Structure from a Self-Referential Database Table


the hierachy in SQL using CTEs. LINQ2SQL and hierachical relational data don't mix too nicely. See Hierarchical data in Linq options..

Convert XSD into SQL relational tables


XSD into SQL relational tables Is there something available that could help me convert.. available that could help me convert a XSD into SQL relational tables The XSD is rather big in my world anyway and I could..

How can I get a list of users from active directory?


SomeDirectory DC yourdomain DC com . Like a tranditional relational database you can run query against a LDAP server. It's called..

Entity Framework with XML Files [closed]


itself is provider based and is designed to operate over a relational database. If you really wanted to you could write your own provider..

What is a good choice of database for a small .NET application? [closed]


are other embedded local databases out there some are relational others are object oriented Embedded Firebird db4o VistaDb SharpHSQL..

Scrabble word finder with wildcards


a dictionary from user letter input You don't. A relational database table is not a suitable data structure for solving..

Overriding GetHashCode for mutable objects? [C#]


have no immutable fields unless they're stored in a relational database to identify them with their primary keys. c# .net..

What is the point of creating foreign key properties when using Entity Framework Code First?


no need for foreign key properties and they are somehow a relational artifact in the object world. You can define relationships completely..